BTC - I just found the perfect predictor of Bitcoin gains...

in Funny5 years ago

The Holy Grail of Bitcoin price predictions has been uncovered...

I've been digging through past stats and historical charts and I have stumbled upon the number one indicator of future bitcoin gains...

It turns out it's not really about the Halving at all...


It's about the Leap Year!

Check it out:

(Source: ~~~ embed:1234149220409434116) twitter metadata:Q2FpdGxpbkxvbmdffHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL0NhaXRsaW5Mb25nXy9zdGF0dXMvMTIzNDE0OTIyMDQwOTQzNDExNil8 ~~~

As you can see, every time we have a leap year, bitcoin sees massive returns!

We had it all wrong all this time!

All this time, we thought bitcoin was going up every for years due to its halving, but really the cause was right in front of us the whole time.

We have a Leap Year every 4 years and the returns in bitcoin are astronomical right afterwards.

Never mind the fact that we also have the block reward halving roughly every 4 years as well, that is just a coincidence.

The real driver of astronomical bitcoin gains is the Leap Year.

It has to be.

The chart above told me so.

So, the next time someone starts talking about how well bitcoin performs around the halving and all that mumbo jumbo, say to them...

"nah bro, it's the Leap Year, that's what is making bitcoin go up."

Don't worry if they give you a funny luck, you will know that you are right and that is all that matters.

Stay informed my friends.

If you didn't catch on by now this post was meant to be satirical, the Leap Year doesn't really have anything to do with bitcoin's 4 year price cycles.



If you didn't catch on by now this post was meant to be satirical, the Leap Year doesn't really have anything to do with bitcoin's 4 year price cycles.

But, it aligns perfectly!

Just like shark attacks and ice cream sales.

i didn't even realize that this was a leap year!

I didn't either until I said "today is the first day of March" (yesterday) and was then informed that nope, it's still February.

Year numbers have always had significance... In South Korea there is statistically more marriages when it's year of the Unicorn according to the Chinese astrology...

Hahaha this is great correlation! Will definitely share with my friends for the lulz