A quick test to see if you are mentally suffering. and in need of help...

in Funny5 years ago

I'm so over the CONora virus bullshit.
I've spent hours looking at the math, the real numbers, and guess what?
It's bollocks

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I see on hive so called adults (using the term very loosley),'obeying the authority', doing what they are told, social distancing, blah blah blah....
I despair, I really do.

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Stockholm syndrome on steroids.
I don't know what to say. I've never been that scared to understand the thought paralyzing trauma that you must be feeling right now.
How scared must you be, to swallow such blatant, and obvious, horseshit?

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What I do know, is that some so called 'warriors'around here, need to take a good long look in the mirror.( maybe you need to ask your government first, for permission to do so...lol)

Depressing. A bunch of so called 'grown ups' acting like little, frightened children - and all because your government told you so.
Wake up.


People are just/only careful. Coronavirus is not a joke. If you (or any of your friends/relatives) would caught it, you would probably be careful too. It is easy to be a warrior from behind the monitor.

People are just/only careful.

Why? because the govmnt/msm told you to be?
Are you really careful each year with the flu?

....tell me, when has the last global closedown occurred because of the flue?

More die each year, from the flue, than the con virus. Between 300K and 650k, annually.

Math is a fucker for those led emotionally by the nose.

If you (or any of your friends/relatives) would caught it, you would probably be careful too.

Not an argument. Math doesn't cover personal stories.

"More die each year, from the flue, than the con virus."

Maybe because people are careful? Not to mention the fact that currently there is no vaccine to coronavirus, but there is vaccine to flu. Probably this is why people are more careful in the case of coronavirus than in the case of flu.

haven't realized vaccines cause more flu outbreaks have ye? keep the Mercury out of my veins anyways. I don't want autism in my next seedlings.

I live with autism spectrum disorder, and I know that some people with autism have certain outstanding skills. Some of them are better than the "normal" people. Having autism does not necessary bad. It could even be the opposite. Autism have many levels/types.

Maybe you should widen your quest for information beyond government, beyond enemedia, to incorporate actual science done by actual scientists that neither of those parties reveal.

Try the Lancet, New England Journal of Medicine, Journal of the American Medical Association, Journal of Virology, and similar folks. You'll find links to papers on my blog where the numbers aren't bullshit, that you can rely on.

Do you, but until you're familiar with the science I can't accord your opinions much weight because you're avoiding reliable factual reporters and only discussing known liars and thieves. I don't care much about the recommendations of know liars, so haven't discussed them.

Let's talk about the science, rather than the bullshit.

...Do you have links to your science sources please?

Which reporters do you see as reliable?

I have posted articles on my blog regarding this virus discussing symptoms of the virus, and those posts provide links to sources.

I didn't read my comment first, and misunderstood your question. The reliable reporters I refer to in my comment are the individual researchers reporting their research, and particularly where it has been peer reviewed, is very likely to be completely factual.

Here's one I haven't posted previously:


Here's one I think is extremely important (and I happened to have it open):


Edit: consider peer review like reporters having to get reporters from other outlets to agree their research, quotes, and reporting is accurate before it could be printed. The researchers in the fields in which they work compete for funding, so it's not much different than my analogy with reporters. Peer reviewed papers have been vetted by competitors for grants before being published. It doesn't fail to point our shoddy work often.

If you're talking about folks on TV channels, I don't know of any I have any confidence in

Phew! I was getting worried then.lol

Any sources originating from 'the establishment are to be looked at with maximum suspicion (imo).
That cover 90% of information.

I'm now leaning to the fact it doesn't exist at all! The biggest false flag in history.
(based on doctors interviews who disagree.)
Here's the full video that I grabbed clips from, for my vid the other day, as an example.

Never mind.

When the WHO lie using their own figures to create a narrative ( panic), you don't start to smell a rat?


I am not quoting the WHO. If you don't discriminate between the WHO and actual scientists that publish the results of their experiments after other scientists that compete with them for funding review their work (peer review), you are hopelessly incapable of making rational decisions. Science is real information. The WHO are lying mouthpieces for banksters.

See the difference? These links are what the WHO omits from their discussions, along with the enemedia, and government. That's why I post them.

The difference between facts and lies is the difference between peer reviewed science and political statements.

I thought you capable of grasping that difference. If you cannot I have wasted every moment I have spent discussing this matter with you.

The Corbett report...you might find this interesting....

Great stuff - sheeple are much scarier than an imaginary virus...


Are you really careful each year with the flu?

I am, yes. During flu season I make sure to use some rubbing alcohol on a paper towel to wipe my hands after all store visits, and after getting gas, including wiping down my wallet and things I touched.

... the fact that currently there is no vaccine to coronavirus, but there is vaccine to flu.

Many years the so called vaccine for the flu is the wrong vaccine, and that has been stated in many years and on many occasions, and when it does happen the CDC does tell people that even though it is not the correct shot for this years flu it will still help.

50 million people died of the spanish flu, yet the world still went on, it went on well enough to have another world war, a market crash, an economic world collapse, several non-war conflicts, so what if it is a pandemic and 50 million people die, the world will go on and in three years we will get to see another economic collapse, in 21 years another world war, and then another baby boom. Am I afraid of the pandemic, no. People are going to die! Period. "In 2018, a total of 2,839,205 resident deaths were registered in the United States" See people die, was there any big headlines about a death pandemic in 2018? So a few hundred more thousand might die this year from the wu-han flu, who really cares, no one cares about all the deaths by cars, by cops, by guns, by cancer, by animal attacks, by bathtub falls by riots over cabbage patch toys, or nike shoes, or black friday sales, PEOPLE ARE GOING TO DIE, and guess what there is nothing that can be done about it at all.

Hiding in fear is not going to stop you from dying.

...the sheep people are crapping themselves,just because TPTB, told them to.

i am mentally suffering...

The Wuhan-flu looks like a bio-weapon

And it looks like the CDC and the WHO made sure all the cows were out before closing the barn door.

My current theory about this "virus" is that it is our first "air-borne" virus.

Most viruses get inside the body and multiply inside the body, and we create anit-bodies to fight them.
Wuhan-flu seems to attack the part of the lungs that take in oxygen, and then reproduce back out into the air. Where there is no anti-bodies. So, one can get infected again, AND you are a walking Wuhan-flu-spewing machine.

All this social distancing is going to play out long into the future.
It will be the death of large cities. It will be the death of The USSA.

...imagine if it was just the flue, and you're buying into the 'experts/msm/gvmnt agencies, ' hype.....

haven't listened to the MSM at all.

Except indirectly.

Been listening (reading) dark web doctors on the front lines
and alt media pundits
and a few Q people who think this is a psyop to get rid of the corrupt govern-cement.

For most the Wuhan-flu will be a nothing-burger.

Now, that was downright inspiring, @lucylin!

I had forgotten there was humour to be found on these platforms, although I must say at times it can be about as difficult as locating a needle in a haystack ><

Watch this space! lol
...there will be lots of humor type posts coming - at the expense of people I refer to as needle dicks.
(ie bloomy has been down voting every single post I do on here and steemit for last 8 days. Needle dick indeed.
Vids coming soon!