Dead feed page? Not anymore!

in Funny5 years ago


OK OK...I know...

I don't really follow thousands of users and quite often my feed page due to declining daily activity is pretty much dead.

But I have a feeling that this cross post thing is getting out of control...NO?

People have good intentions(?) and want to highlight other people's efforts or even their own but a simple resteem would do the job...


This is a cross-post of a cross-post of a post I cross-posted about cross-posting cross-posted posts that were cross-posted prior to being cross-posted.

Now that was the missing piece of the puzzle. Everything makes much more sense now!

I tried it once and I hated it. Auto curate is getting abused

If feels to me as a way to milk as many rewards possible from the existing curation projects.

Haven't tried it yet and tbh I don't intend to...

It's crazy I guess that's something steemspeak should stop

Agree totally.

Pheww. And I thought that I was crazy or something. Well...unless we are all crazy this is a bit flawed

Are you saying there is declining daily activity in the Steem ecosystem?

For the past 2+ past years...ya

Steem's price is the No1 reason for that...

I still prefer to use resteem though....

That makes us twp

In my opinion, this is another confusing addition.

Cross-posting circle jerks, will be the new thing....

Already is...