Wherever you look at this very moment a new post regarding the hostile takeover attempted by Justin Sun pops up. I totally understand how it feels, trust me...
There is not much we can do right now other than keep informing the proponents of decentralization all over the web that Justin keeps feeding everyone with lies...
Hence, I made a couple of memes, hoping that they could bring back a smile on your faces, even if it lasts for a few seconds only.
Have a good one people.

Ô dear memelord, could you please photoshop Justin's head onto Palpatine saying "I am the senate" ? Thank you in advance.
"Execute order 22.5"
"Binance, I told you it would come to this! I was right! The witnesses are taking over!"
"Once more Tron will rule the galaxy. And... we shall have... peace."
"The remaining witnesses will be hunted down and defeated!"
I could probably go for ever on these, much potential.
Hahaha you just made my day Sir/Madam.
Hiii, I like your contents can I be your friend please?
Kindly respond 🥺