Usually, weekends are to be celebrated while going for trips, tours, hikings and so on. Unfortunately, these things aren't mean for people where I belong to.
Temperature in my area has crossed 50°C this week. For people in this area it is hard to find themselves out, doing things which are meant to be done on weekends. Only things we can do, these days, is to stay home get enough nutritions and enough water to save from heatwaves.
Usually, summer doesn't offer you many options but berries are common in summer and these provide you good amount of nutrients.
My weekends are being spent at home by doing study, roaming on mobile, cleaning, washing Air-conditioner's outer and so on.
What other activities do you guys suggest to do in these conditions?
I know many of you out there have a number of ideas. I would love to know your ideas.
#(Drink water Keep hydrated)