Good day everyone
First and foremost, I want to use this opportunity to give my profound gratitudes to God Almighty who made us to see this new year 2022. All Adorations and praises be unto you Lord. Amen !
I will go to option three and I pray for full understanding as we go down.
The advice I will give someone else on hive is " Saying the truth ".
Truth can be defined as the act of being true. When something is true that means it is just like it should be. Something can't be true or false at the same time. It is either is true or false and can't be both.
Truth is very important in life and a lot of people lack it. The Bible says that all liers will go to hell fire. Let me ask a question what will it benefit a man to eat the whole world and loses his soul ? Nothing stays permanent in the world and we shall live them one day.
I know is very had for students mostly to stay for days without lying. But the issue is this, why should we lie? Lying is it good? Is it what God wants us to practice in this new year ? The answer is NO. Let's say the truth no matter what .
How do I think it would help person?
In all our daily activities, truth is very important in life and it should be implemented in our midst . I can say that truth is can be regarded as sine qua non in our daily activities. As a Medical Dr, you need to be truthful to your patients and even your fellow Medical Dr. As a Pharmacist or nurse you still need to be very truthful to your patients too. Time to take drugs and how to take drugs. As an Engineer , you need to give full account on how you buy materials for building. Even business people should be candid to their boss in everything they do .
A lot of students have considered lying as something that is part of them. Telling your parents or sponsors that you need money for text books when it is actually a lie is something that can even bring destruction to the person's life . Is advisable to be frank in whatever we do in life.
How did I learn the wisdom?
I thought that lying is something that I was born with . Lying is something I do almost every hour but one day I lied my parents that I need money to buy text books . I do this almost every time and my parents will comply immediately. One day , they decided to verify whether am telling lies or saying the truth. They found out that all the money they had been given me are done out of lies. They were annoyed with me for not being candid with them. At that moment, I was denied of money for months. I began to rethink like the prodigal son why should I lie to people talk more of my parents? Is this a good thing? Is it how I will do if I start working tomorrow in my office?
I therefore concluded that lying does not help rather it brings destruction, hatred and so many bad things.
Would you personally carry it into the new year? Why?
Truth is something we should carry it or say forever. Truth creates love . In love you will found blessings not only from people but also from God .
Is very good if we continue to say the truth no matter what it takes.
May this new year brings longevity and prosperity to everyone especially those on hive . Amen !