Your words are strong and clear, and I agree that luck is made, worked, sought, and it is not a matter of a bird shit falling on your head and all the luck in the world will fall at your feet.
I was impressed by this:
When I was a kid, I thought it was all about karma, but no matter how good I was, misfortune seemed to follow me. Experience soon taught me that the meek and the good get shat on from the top, while those who are willing to trample on others will always get to the top.
Una realidad que golpea muchas veces, pero un ejemplo terrible sobre la actitud de algunas personas...
Excelente post...
Funny you should mention bird shit. About a year ago I was out walking when a crows nest fell out of a tree right down on top of me, covering me from head to toe with shit. I was about a mile from home. I know what it's like to be shit upon:)
Strange that you're not an extremely lucky guy with such a crowshit on top of you...😬😅
Sorry, it's just a bad joke.
Have a great week.
hahaha, a bad joke is better then no joke at all:)
I wish you too a fine week.