Así es querida amiga.
Siempre usé mucho fbk porque era el boom del momento y me ayudó a reconectarme con muchísima gente dentro y fuera del país y ahí comenzó todo: me acosaron , me sancionaron, me hicieron llamados de atención, en fin... solo comparto cosas que me gustan de forma sencilla y permanezco dentro de algunos grupos que me gustan...
En Instagram solo he aprendido sobre poses bonitas para fotos, lo más bonito de ella es la calidad de sus imágenes...y para reír está bien... ahí la tengo para visitar de vez en cuando.
Hive me consume toda...😁
That's right dear friend.
I always used fbk a lot because it was the boom of the moment and it helped me to reconnect with many people inside and outside the country and that's where it all started: I was harassed, I was sanctioned, I was called to attention, in short... I only share things I like in a simple way and I stay in some groups that I like...
On Instagram I have only learned about nice poses for photos, the most beautiful thing about it is the quality of its images...and for laughs it is fine.... I have it there to visit from time to time.
Hive consumes me all...😁.