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RE: The Great Escape.

in Weekend Experiences7 months ago

misanthropic disposition

I don't accept that. Impatient maybe. I'm certain the pompous will not find in you a friendly audience. But I see kindness--mixed with a wry, sometimes hard humor.

From Munich we caught a train to Paris, another from Paris to Calais, a boat from Calais to Dover and a train from Dover to London,

In 1972 I made the very same journey, except I took a train from Vienna instead of Munich and flew back to New York from London.

I could never work for anyone and would have to be my own boss

This I believe.

As always, a charming, entertaining blog.


But I see kindness--mixed with a wry, sometimes hard humor.

Another one for my Tinder profile:)

In 1972 I made the very same journey, except I took a train from Vienna instead of Munich and flew back to New York from London.

Ah ha, yet another thing in common. We shall have to compare lives one of these days and count the commonalities.