Please do tell me that you cleaned and organized this fridge before you took the shots!
My reaction, but I hesitated to say it. I would never, ever take a shot of my refrigerator interior. I'm not even sure what's in there, waaay in the back :))
Please do tell me that you cleaned and organized this fridge before you took the shots!
My reaction, but I hesitated to say it. I would never, ever take a shot of my refrigerator interior. I'm not even sure what's in there, waaay in the back :))
I did it! It was eye opening! I knew what was back there, but having to tell the world changed my mind about that stuff. I'll never get rid of it now ha. Deirdyweirdy told me she felt an urge to come arrange my icebox for me. Come show us yours, you'll be glad you did. Maybe.
I don't open my front door to people unless I have to. The refrigerator...some secrets should never be shared. 😁