Do things differently if you want different results. Week 171

Ahoy Mate! One of the aspects of our lives that we always want to change is the financial aspect. Tell me if this is not true? So where we tend to look at our expectations is our relationship with money.


This relationship with money can be much deeper, sometimes it is necessary to work with neolinguistic programming to overcome certain beliefs, but to tell the truth, there are small actions that help us to get a little more organised and move forward.

One of these simple actions, but quite difficult to get used to, is to write down the expenses we have throughout the day and day after day, but oh how I recommend it!


For a little over two years now, this kind of recommendation has been in my life. It first came from the community in Telegram of @ubikalo, thanks to the very accurate vision of its moderators, that in order to get into the matter of educating oneself in cryptoassets, the most advisable thing to do first is to understand from scratch what money is and to educate oneself in terms of personal finance about many things that they do not teach us in school.

I was on a programme where they took us by the hand to write down all our daily expenses, it was an excellent support group that was set up separately for those who signed up and there, without giving details, we just announced at the end of each day that we had already written our report of the day privately. This had many benefits in my life and I was able to continue this habit for up to 4 months on my own.


I remember that at the end of the first month we were given an Excel tool so that with all the daily reports we could make our first monthly budget estimate of income and expenses, because that is the ideal purpose of keeping these notes.

I have to admit that I stopped keeping track of my expenses and only started again at the beginning of this year, because I attended a personal finance course at Platzi with my youngest son and the importance of keeping track of expenses was explained again, along with other very important things.

The house's financial genius is also a soccer goalkeeper

I have also attended a financial literacy event twice this year, so I am very aware of my goals and the need to be organised.

here I leave you with this post because if you are not encouraged with pen and paper, maybe this app will help you get into the habit.A few weeks ago I came across a post by the lovely @gorayii where she showed us an app to do this work so

My son liked it and between the two of us we keep track of the household finances, so after all this long story, the answer is yes, I am in the habit of tracking and budgeting my costs and expenses regularly, daily to be precise. Sometimes it gets overlooked, but we are always on the lookout to rectify it.

My son has learnt to be realistic, but also to look at where we can save, and in my case he is making me more and more aware and restrictive about not being wasteful. Because ok, let's be clear, I still have a long way to go to get to the level that will give me financial well-being, but that will change very soon because we are well on our way.

I hope that the expected situation will be here sooner than expected. I am very interested in this topic and I will keep an eye on how you deal with it in your posts this Weekend Engagement week.



I always create original content, any topic I write about in my blog is approached from my experience and personal point of view "as I lived it and as I see it" unless I indicate otherwise, and I will always be attentive to providing information to the community. As in this case, my banners are made in Adobe Express and Canva.

