A busy and fun filled weekend

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone
How are you all?
I hope you all had a wonderful weekened.
My weekend had been busy since Friday morning. I didn't have any plans for the activities I involved yet it was worth doing everything I did.

On the morning of Friday when I started cleaning my kitchen, it turned from usual cleaning to detailed cleaning. Actually when I cleaned one wall, the other appeared dirtier than before. I cleaned others. The left over looked bad so I moved to them. This way I got tempted to clean everything I came accross. The cleaning that started from kitchen moved to the common room and other nearby areas. Lol. It taught me a lesson. What lesson? Hmmmmm...! Let save it for some other day. Hehe. I got tired but I always feel satisfied after cleaning my surroundings.

In the late afternoon, after having lunch I wanted to take a nap but my son insisted to go to the market. He wanted to buy some stuff for the independence day celebration. Kids always want to have new things especially when they see someone else having newer stuff. When they saw their cousins with their shoppings they wanted us to buy for them too. So, I took my elder son to market leaving my younger son with his father.

In the market, there was a see of green and white. Everything from dresses to jewellery to other accessories was in green and white colours (the colours of our flag). We bought these accessories 👇


2 similar gloves, one for my each son. 2 similar badges. Some face stickers. One cap for my elder sone. My younger son doesn't like to wear caps. I bought sun glasses for him as my elder one is mayopic and can't wear normal sunglasses. Shopping for two kids isn't easy. They fight over things even if they buy it of their own choice.

I also bought some jewellery for me


We also bought water paint and painting brushes


That my kids used the other day to show the next day to show their love for their motherland




After 11 o'clock in the evening we went for a drive. It was refreshing. The roads were busy because of independence day celebration. No covid protocols were followed any where. It is appalling though.
Oh, I firgot to show our face masks.

They were gifted by my brother in law. He works on a pharmacy. So, he brought the new item for us.

On our way back to home we brought an ice cream and enjoyed it at our home. By the way I miss the time when we used to go to ice cream parlors but now it seems like a dream. I hope the life will turn to its normal. May God save us all from the pandemic's adversities.

On Saturday, it was Pakistan Independence day. After breakfast, I got my sons dressed up in green (lol. I didn't buy new dresses for them and wore whatever green they had).



The Sunday was also extreme busy. I did the detailed cleaning of my room. Lol. Cleaning weekend it was! Actually I had to take something out of the suitcase that is under my bed. Lol. Under my bed is my store room 😂 where my dowry is saved (as I don't have any other place to keep them). I don't know why there is this dowry system is still prevailing. I have a lot of things that are still untouched (even after 8 years of my marriage) and I am short of space to use them. Anyways. During this cleaning I found some gifts


Cleaning always brings some gifts in the form of lost entities. Last time I found 10 rupee currency note. This time I found two notes of 10 rupee and 2 coins of 2 and 1 rupee. Yaaay! I am richer 😉.

There is a lot of dust at my place. Even the closed curtons are filled with dust inside. It takes the who day to clean the places that are not cleaned on daily basis. So, my whole Sunday was spent cleaning and organizing the room and cupboard.

Now I need to rush to cook something for the dinner. So good bye till the next article
Take care


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