I guess if I had to sum up my 2023 in words it would be: reading and watching Formula 1 and honestly I don't think 2024 will be much different from that. The funny thing is that when you are an adult with worries and problems you could say that we take our obsessions a little more calmly than when we are teenagers and this is something that I have found quite curious.
Since I was a child I have always been obsessed with reading, I devoured all the collections in days and my favorite gifts were always books, I also loved when my parents took me to the bookstore as a reward for getting good grades and my adolescence was not much different, the thing changed when I started to study law at the university, I had to read so much by obligation that I did not enjoy reading for leisure, so I left this obsession aside for a few years. Now, in 2023 I set as a goal to resume reading, and I started reading things on Wattpad, I know it's nothing deep but that was what I needed, a little push to get a taste for reading again and it worked, because in 2023 I managed to read 23 "formal" books and so far in 2024 I already have 3 books, this year my goal changed and I want to start reading books in physical format. You may be wondering why I call this obsession, well, I read books in basically hours, I can't go to sleep without having finished a book, I need to know where it ends.
Regarding the obsession with Formula 1, it all started because I needed something to supply my obsession with soccer, I don't know at what point in 2022, I just got bored of watching soccer and decided it was better to do something else with my time, so as my dad has always followed Formula 1, I decided to pay a little more attention to it and well, this became an obsession of watching it every weekend, no matter the time, my social media algorithms are basically only F1, I have several pieces of merchandise and to talk and try to "evangelize" anyone, this became an obsession to watch it every weekend, no matter the time, my social media algorithms are basically only F1, I have several pieces of merch and to talk and try to "evangelize" to anyone in my circle about it, right now I'm counting the days until the season starts, because it's been too long without the adrenaline of racing.
This synthesizes a little bit the obsessions I have at the moment, what are you obsessed with?
I totally get your obssession with reading, it's so great to get lost for hours in a book, it's like going to another universe.
Yes! You her to "travel" while reading