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RE: G-dog's Sunday gardenisationing

Ooh getting super exciting now! Spring is around the corner so I reckon you'll have enough time to choose out exactly what you'd like to plant. You'd be well amazed what you can get out of 4msq - especially if you decide to add a vertical element to the planting beds.

Yes, you can totally see your phone number in the reflection Galen.

I had a good chuckle at the C4 get together if they don't work, although I have a funny suspicion the clean up afterwards will suck, worm bits everywhere and stuff, yuck.

Good luck with the plumbing in and give your poor back a rest please!


There's quite a bit of height in the VegePods so I'll see what I can make happen. Maybe some sort of raised frame to train things up and over? It's all about fun so I'll experiment.

Yes, you can totally see your phone number in the reflection Galen.

This explains why I've got 37,000 phone calls in the last 12 hours.

The clean up after a C4 explosionerising is best done with more C4.

Good luck with the plumbing in and give your poor back a rest please!

Grazie, mi prenderò cura di me stesso.

Oh my word this made me laugh! I was wondering trolling you was a good idea, totally worth it :) "Explosioinerising"? This is a new one. Doesn't quite roll off the tongue, I could see this being a tongue tripper word in future.

Yes, give the verticals a go, I'm sure it will add to the selection of what you can grow.

Dannatamente vero che lo farai

PS. Lory is looking for a teleporter today. She's given up on catching the flamingoes 😆

was wondering trolling you was a good idea

And now you need wonder no more. Legit worth it!

Dannatamente vero che lo farai

Di certo.

If Lore finds a teleporter let me know, I have a use for it. I'll pay. Also...Flamingoes can be difficult to catch, much like unicorns.

Yes, Unicorns and Flamingoes. Flamingoes are also sneaky bastards when it comes to croquet.

I will make sure to let you know :)

Have a good one.

Flamingoes are also sneaky bastards when it comes to croquet.

That's a line I didn't think I'd read in my lifetime. 😁

Have a cracker yourself A.

Hahaha I'm just a nutcase, don't mind me :)

You are. I don't mind you.