From the very beginning of my dating life, have never really been a fan of having more than one partner, apart from the fact that it drains you mentally I just felt it would be alot of work trying to keep them from knowing about each other and juggling two relationship at a time was never my forte. If the person I was in a relationship wasn't making me feel loved or wanted I'd call it off immediately because this life is too short for anyone to stress me.

Presently I'm married, I won't say it's all lovey dovey all the time but my partner gets me, he's generous 😂 most funniest and down to earth person you'd ever meet and he's a good father to our son, yea we have a son too, before I make any decisions this days I think of him first cause I wouldn't want him been at the receiving because of any of my actions.I like to pride myself as someone who can he very observant of body language so there's no how I won't be able to tell when things are out of place in my relationship, I don't know but that's that just the way I am, so if by chance my my significant other was to start treating me badly or abuse me in anyway or worse, cheat on me? Be rest assured that I'd pay him back in his own coin before calling before deciding to forge ahead or call it quits

Don't get me wrong doing stuffs like that, might not make your hurt go away hundred percent of the time but to some extent you might feel better, depending on the person in that situation, for some people they might prefer to just call it quits some have invested too much to let go so they sought for other means to make themselves feel better thereby resulting in other means of gratifying themselves.

So if I were to have the chance to cheat for a month and not get caught? 😂 I'm sorry I'd do it. I won't say I'm revengeful but if it should get to the point that I'm cheated on? I'd do it and not look back, trust me I know morally it's wrong but I mean the whole thrill of been intimate with another person apart from your significant other can be thrilling though, not trying to justify my actions but low-key I get why men do it, why they cheat , it's just because they can do it and get away with it simple. And if I was to have that opportunity trust me I'd do it. Not like I have anyone in mind though but if was to do something like that it'll be with a total stranger😁I mean that's the only way you'd experience that thrill that comes along with it, he has to stay very far away from me, that is he wouldn't be in the same state as me, and he'll have to be older than me and oh he has to be financially stable too So I can also have the opportunity to leave a low key "pampered girl life", he has to be neat, I mean inside and out, wouldn't want to be having any infection and we'd be exclusive for the time we'll be together.



WEEKEND EXPERIENCES community.The original #weekend-engagement concept by @galenkp featured in the

Image belongs to @galenkp