At this time, for some reason I feel like I have become a person who is numb to angry emotions at things that happen around me, it feels like my emotions are no longer easily provoked by everything I experience in this life.
However, I feel more angry at the financial stupidity committed by my family members. Because I know that when they use their money for consumptive things and build liabilities in the future they will become poor again and in the end I will also have to help them.
This is what makes me feel very angry at my family members, not that I hate them, but the anger that I express by nagging all day is for their own good, because many of my family members see this life only for today's happiness, they don't think about their future.
Even though the ups and downs in financial conditions in my family have happened several times, none of them have learned from the mistakes they made in the past, they continue to spend their money on unnecessary things.
Actually I also feel that it is not my job to manage their lives and pleasures, but when I have to live frugally and invest my money, when they are in trouble they will definitely come to me to borrow money, if I do not have money to lend them they will be angry.
In this case I am also the one who is blamed for being too stingy and not helping my family, I really feel confused with this condition, so when I see people close to me being stupid in using their money, I will immediately get angry and try to make them aware not to use their money for unimportant things.
This is my entry for the #weekend-engagement contest held by my brother @galenkp, see you in my next post.