Hello family. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend as I certainly am. I am so excited getting in touch with you all.
Over the years, I have always wanted to find a suitable business to do and I settled for a network marketing business. This was due to the fact that, in a network marketing business, I will get to learn so many skills that will help me build a successful business aside network marketing.
At this point in my life, I feel as though I have gotten enough skills to start my own business and that the rest of the skills will be acquired on the field as I make mistakes and correct them accordingly.
School just resumed and I realised a lot of students will be in need of official wears for lectures and programs on campus. I therefore decided to grab this opportunity to start my business of selling long-sleeved shirts.
I contacted a friend who is also into that same business and I purchased 25 pieces which costed 750 Ghana Cedis including transportation and packaging. 750 Ghana Cedis is about 65 Dollars currently. On further agreement with my friend, he added an extra 30 pieces on loan which I will pay when I finish selling the goods.
The products arrived last week but I could not begin selling them due to the Chickenpox Viral Infection I have been battling with for the past three weeks. This week my condition is better so I had to go all out today and make some sales.
Once I finished my morning routine, I made selection of the goods I will be taking out and packed them into a black polythene bag. I then hit the road with my motorbike. My target today was to go round the major halls and hostels at UDS, Tamale campus.
Networking they say is very important.I went to GUSSS Hostel and started with the rooms of some of the guys I know. Eventhough personally they did not buy the goods, they referred me to other guys in that same hostel who needed some of my goods. That opened the door for my sales today. In less than 30 minutes, I had cleared a floor which has about 20 rooms and made some significant number of sales. Not long after that, it was time for the Chelsea vrs Liverpool match so almost all the boys run to the TV Room to watch the match. At that moment I could not talk to them about my goods; you know how boys are focused when it comes to football.
The best thing I had to do now was to go to a different hostel hoping to find some guys around. I moved to Falcon hostel after contacting a friend who knows most of the guys over there. He took me round the rooms and we made a few sales.
After that I decided to visit my old hostel to reconnect with the friends I have there. A few moments later, I road back home and called it a day. I was very excited to have made some sales. I am sure there are more wins on the way. Wish me better luck next time.
Thank you so much for reading.
Your Friend.......Abdul-Rashid.