If Next Year Could Be 2021

Hello family. I hope you are all doing great today and all ready to welcome the new year into being. May we all live to see more new years.

The rest of the topics were so captivating as this one but I had to settle on this because of the nostalgic memories it draws me back to.This post is an entry to this weekend's engagement by @galenkp on the topic " If the new year could be any year of your own life (instead of 2023) , which would you choose and why ?

It would be very easy to look forward to 2023 and have all these great new year resolutions planned out. To me, the past could be a guide to planning a better future. History plays a very important role in our lives.
Looking back to all the years I have lived, 2021 was the most amazing year up to some point, but it brought the biggest shock of my life.


Back at Senior High School (SHS), I was fortunate to make a lot of friends. I became very attached to them but unfortunately we lost contact after completion in 2019. At High School, we came from different places across the country. Once after completion, we returned to our various cities and everyone ghosted. The next institution and moment of life that could reunite us after High School was the University. Eventhough I went to school in 2019, I still could not get in touch with them at school since it is a very big institution. The gateway of our reunion opened in 2021 when we established the Real Amass Old Students Association (RAOSA) UDS Chapter. This brought together all past students of our High school together. We had members cutting across all the departments on campus. With this great opportunity, I was able to get in touch with most of the friends I had lost contact with, after High School.









For a significant part of my life, I have been engrossed in writing of poems. I realised I could then extend my writings beyond poetry and get to talk about a whole of things around me. A few friends of mine got me introduced to STEEMIT. I started my blogging journey on steemit and now I am here on HIVE. I do not regret a bit being a part of the global community of bloggers on this amazing platform. In fact, this has actually opened great opportunities for me for it has enabled me get in touch with so many creative, wise and intelligent people all across the globe. Here on HIVE, I hope to achieve greater heights with all and sundry on this amazing platform by making HIVE my daily life. Being consistent and more engaged in matters of this society, I will get to stay updated on the stuffs happening around the world. This also gives me the opportunity to share with you all the amazing culture we have in Africa specifically in the Northern part of Ghana. For those on the platform and beyond, they get the chance to have a friend who would ensure they have an amazing stay whenever they make a trip to Ghana. All these networking opportunities I am exposed to are priceless and they play very important roles in our day to day life.


Whilst in High School, I always wanted to do something aside school. All the efforts I put in to secure a side hustle proved futile until 2021. A have a very close friend who is building a network marketing business aside school. I remember it was a few days after my birthday, he introduced the business he does to me. He showed me the compensation plan and the products available and that blew my mind. After running round trying to get the start up capital, I finally landed my hands on it. I started the business in late January 2021 and I have had an amazing journey so far with a lot of ups and downs. The reason why I love my business is because it is a stepping stone to greater heights. I am learning so many amazing skills that will be very useful when managing a traditional business in the future.






The main reason why I wished next year was 2021 was because I could get the chance to undo this tragic event. I feel very sad as I write this post but I hope you all get to know a little bit of my story in 2021. My Grandmother was the only true love I had. We loved each other until it became so apparent. In fact, no one has ever loved me and no one will be able to love me like she did. She literally sacrificed herself for all the things I needed to make life unstressful for me. In the last months of 2021, she was struck by a very severe illness. After several weeks, it was realised that she had had an intra-abdominal abscess. At the time of diagnosis, it was already too late and antibiotic therapy proved futile. In the last few days of November 2021, she became Septic and that finally led to her demise. I wish next year was 2021 so that I could spend some more time with her and ultimately avert the illness' occurrence.


The pictures used in this post are my personal pictures.
You can find the link to this weekend's engagement here
Thank you so much for reading.
Your Friend.......Abdul-Rashid!


Every year even though it might be a bad Start but it isn't that the whole years is bad too. I believe and hope 2023 we could live in more peace all the world both all lively thing are safe and Happy New Year dear!

That's very very true. I believe there are more happy days ahead.
Many Happy Returns 💫🤗