Hello family. I hope you all had a wonderful weekend.
Sundays are for weddings. This Sunday was not an exception. It was the turn of a very close friend of mine since back in the days.
It made we wonder, that means it could just be my turn to also get married soon. This then poses a tough question "Am I ready to get married? "The answer to this question is a big "NO".
Today, just like a typical Northern Traditional Wedding, almost everything had already been done with respect to consultation with the elders, the payment of the bride price and many more, until today. The only things left was for the consent of both parties in a public mosque on today, Sunday, and then taking the bride home tomorrow, that is Monday.
The dress code for today was "all-white" but when I checked my all-white attire, I had grown past it. I had to find something different to wear but make sure I was on point. I dressed up and took off to a friend's place with my bike.
After riding for a long time trying to figure out the exact location of the mosque in which the knot was being tied, we finally gave up on the search and decided to go straight to the groom's house. Shortly after we arrived, we were served some food and drinks.
The groom is kind of popular amongst our friends so we met a lot of people whom we know.
We sat together and talked about our lives so many years back, the fun we had and a whole lot. Up to a point, we had to talk about NOW and see how we can help each other grow.
After the wedding, I had wanted to go back to UDS,Tamale Campus to sell my goods but I was so tired. I took a short nap when I got home and then continued with my chores as tomorrow is Monday and I would have to go to school. This brought an end to my weekend.
Thank you so much for reading.
Your Friend.......Abdul-Rashid!
You have to get married🤣🤣🤣
We are patiently waiting😂😂😂
Oooh bruh
After last 2 weekend's wedding, you should know you're next in line before me 😂