The Acronyms of Man

Man is not naturally defines base on gender or sex,

There's more to a man's attributes.
In my own views,
M.A.N means Measurable, Accountable, Nature.
A man gender is difference from a woman gender.
According to Mariam Webster dictionary, Gender is the behavioral, cultural, or
psychological traits
typically associated with one sex.
The way the society condition you to be doesn't make you a man.
Gender are those Influencing ability extracted either from the environment or the society., While sex is the natural expatiation of the atom called Humans.
Sex defines the gender of a man while Gender defines the nature of a man.

Going back to my acronyms of man[u splash)(

I) MEASURABLE: What qualifies a trait to be a man is how measurable you are with your responsibility,
What quantum do you carry in your current economy situation. What is the weight of your substance as compared to your current statue. It is how measurable you are in handling immediate situation around you and that of your associates that qualifies you a complete man💪.unsplash

II) Accountability: these is another acronym of a man.
Nay human who's not accountable of his duty is still to be a man.
Accountability is one of the sensitive attributes of a man.
A man must be accountable for his challenge, economy needs and otherwise. He must be able enough to give account of his failures and his success.
Wake any man of substances from sleep,
He must be accountable for every that befall him. Unsplash

Nature: Gender make it clear that a man is the head of the family, Gender also make it clear that a man must be stronger 💪, a man must be financially stable enough to provide for the family
Or meet up the needs of your household,
Most of this gender stereotypes are in better description of a man.
A man should be bold enough to know that he's a man.
A man should be focal enough, as the voice of the Family.
A man should be strong and hard working.
A man's thinking should be big, versatile and globally. A fast thinker.
A man should possessed a respectful attributes. That's giving respect to whom is due.
Should posses that habit of discipline.
Especially in good decision making and otherwise. Unsplash

A man should act like a leader,
A good listener,
A good learner,
A good follower,
Skillful etc.
These are what makes you a modern Man


I was left wanting to read more attributes of real men. It is true that a man must be responsible. I have met women who can be like men because of their strength, drive and desire to protect the family, morally, economically and however life goes. I hope many men can read this publication and take note of all this that you write.

A big hug!

I'm indebted to your gratitude.
I appreciate your acknowledgement.