in Weekend Experienceslast year (edited)

Happy weekend friends, it’s a rainy day in Caracas, a good climate for reflection, a good weather for writing. One more time @galenkp proposed us interesting topics to write about this week end engagement 172. I chose the first one:

You're asked to give a classroom of ten year old children three relevant points of wisdom - What are they and why?

Well, first thing I will say after 30 years teaching, children as students are much more demanding. You must keep their attention. In the other hand, they are growing up and what you say or you do can impact them for life. They still do not have enough criteria to understand what is really good or bad for their lives. So, you have a great responsibility when you choose what you say to them.

When you teach children and you can connect with them, it’s a really nice experience. They learn but you also can learn a lot from them. It's a very enriching experience. But you must have patience and you must hear them. If you try to impose your way of thinking and acting, connection is not possible.

They belong to a world very different from the world in which those of us who taught them grew up, because technology has changed society in a very accelerated way.

With my story workshop students some years ago


When I was 10 years old I would have liked to hear about these three relevant points of wisdow. Nobody talked me about these things. If I had to talk to ten-year-olds, I would choose to talk about these issues:


Love and accept yourself as you are. I think that self-esteem is very important. If you don't love yourself you cannot love or accept other people. I believe that self-esteem is the foundation that drives us to achieve success. Who does not love himself is not happy nor can make others happy. Believe in yourself in spite of sometimes. Believe in yourself even though sometimes you may be wrong or sometimes you may fail.


Always treat those around you with respect, accept them as they are. I believe that respect is fundamental in our dealings with others. Even if we have differences with other people, we think differently, it is important that we treat them with respect. Respect should be the basis of all family, professional and friendship relationships. When there is no respect there is usually confrontation, there is violence and that is not positive in our relationship with other people. Respect and honesty are the basis of a good relationship with other people.


Take care of your health Taking care of your health is very important. Without health you cannot successfully carry out your projects, you cannot work, you cannot have a good life. It's good take care about you eat, it's good doing exercises, it's good taking care of your emotions.

Photos you see belong to my personal photo album.

I am spanish speaker. I wrote this post in English as it should be done in this community, but I consulted Deepl.com for the translation of some phrases about which I had doubts.

With my story workshop students some years ago

Yes, you go to the essence of the human being. With these pillars there will be nothing impossible to achieve: self-love, respect for others and learning to take care of your health, although I would relate the latter to self-love... and you would still have something else to highlight as wisdom teachings. Don't you think so?

Thank you, dear @nanixxx You are right. Taking care of our health you can relate with self-love. I will tell you one more wisdom teaching: accepting situations you cannot change. Right? 😉

Congratulations your publication has been chosen among the best of the day.



Thank you so much. @edu-venezuela It is a good incentive to continue creating valuable content related to education. 😍🙂


Image is by galenkp and is not for your use.

Thank you so much @galenkp for your excelent topics to write about.

You're welcome, have a good weekend.