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RE: Weekend Engagement # 84 - A Soul-Piercing Song

As happens frequently for me, I ended up with a song stuck in my head that led to a rabbit-hole adventure consisting of having a compulsion to listen to a song stuck in my head. This is usually initiated by a particular event and then gains traction until I end up at the song my brain “needs” to process.

This happens to me more often than not! And I always enjoy it for longer than I should haha I can go on for hours and hours.

Soul-piercing? Is that the proper description of this song? I think every song that is endeared to one’s heart has this quality as an integral part of its essence. A good song….a real good one….should move you on some emotional and spiritual level….it should pierce one’s soul. It should have a quality that etches a part of its core onto our own deepest being.

I agree with you, great songs fall under the soul-piercing category. I think a great song will always speak directly to the universal sensations inherent to being human, and that's why they can become timeless hits.

This was a great entry to read and I loved your song choice!


I feel that music is an inherent part of our DNA, rhythms and tempos have existed long before we were a thought and it is just natural that music is a part of us and source of such inspiration, joy, and comfort.