The journey of the 2024 year began like always, in late 2023 when I laid down my goals based on where I wanted to be at the end of the year and on what I'd achieved in 2023. I set short, medium and annual goals and made sure they were achievable, realistic and relevant. The year 2024 began with expectation, determination and some trepidation over things outside of my control, but I had goals, a strategy to reach them and felt, if not completely confident, prepared as well as I could be.
Looking back today, reviewing the year and thinking about the next to'd please me to say I achieved all of my 2024 goals, but I did not.

One of my goals was to do more yoga. I loved my body when I was doing yoga daily but life got in the way and the frequency dwindled to once or twice a week. Further to the physical wellbeing I gained was the emotional state yoga leaves me with; I'm more centred and serene. The goal was four times a week and, with the exception of a few weeks where I did less, I attained that goal.
Financially, my goal was reasonably easy to attain although 2024 was only a small part of a broader goal and strategy. My lovely man and I are quite adept at envisioning where we want to be financially and sticking to our plan isn't difficult which I put down to us setting it with realistic parameters building in contingencies and that we have the right attitude when it comes to what we choose to buy, where we invest and how we live day to day. The goal was achieved and it is exciting to look in the rear view mirror as we move into a new year and tick off 2024 as a financial success.
I'll only do three goals today and the last was to learn a little about computers and crypto currency which is a goal I feel I've only partly attained. I've got a good teacher although he's the first to admit he's not technology or crypto currency genius either. I've learned some basics, can navigate with extreme caution around the exchange thing I use and clearly know how to use a computer for basic things because here I am using it; I even got my own one! I'm quite pleased about it but if I'm honest I'm not all that interested in either, I'm doing it out of necessity.
I had other goals I'll not mention here and am pleased to say most of them were reached and I know why I didn't reach the others but now it's time to divert my eyes away from the rear view mirror and towards the path ahead and into 2025.
I have written down my goals for the new year with various notes about what may get in the way and what I'll need to work on to reach them. I've divided the year into portions and will review my activities at that time and it's exciting to look at the overall package and visualize reaching those goals. Some of them carry over from 2024 like yoga and some are new, but all fill me with excitement which motivates me and I think that's what it takes to stay on the right track.
(Written for week 238 of the #weekend-engagement topics.)
A great song you were, very good.
I am very happy that you achieved your goals even if some of them were not 100%, starting is the key, my graphology teacher always told me. You will continue in the next year and with more strength.
A big hug Becca.💗
It's been a mixed year for me but looking back makes me happy because I managed to reach some goals. I never used to write them down but was influenced by my boy and now I write them down, put little notes on them and look at them all the time which helps me work on them.
Thanks for your comment, have a nice week.
Becca 🌷
It is very useful to always keep them in mind. Have a good week too.💗
Nice to greet you! I'm glad you accomplished almost all of your goals, and it doesn't matter if I missed a couple, having focused on what you wanted last year speaks well of you, even of you as a family. If you have a good guide then you will surely do well in your new endeavors, you are already here at Hive and that is a big step forward. I wish you a beautiful end of the year with your family and a wonderful 2025, Hugs!...
Nice to greet you too and yes, I'm very pleased with the year even though a few things didn't work out as planned.
Thanks for your lovely words, I hope you have had a nice year and the next is even better.
Becca 🌷