You've captured a few of the elements of life that can make for a much better journey. Our lives don't always go to plan, we flounder and fail, travel at tangents from our intended or plotted course, but it's those things that teach us many lessons and helps us stay focused on our goals a little more firmly next time. Passion is a huge factor and I see you as a girl who applies a lot of it, just like I do as well.
This is a lovely post, and I have a feeling your life is as well, more often than it is not.
Becca 🌷
Thank you for your thoughtful comment! I checked your page and you write in such a beautiful way! I feel like I can learn a couple of things from you!
Thank you so much for visiting my page, I really appreciate that, and for your kind and beautiful words. You seem to have much worked out in life, and are working towards your best version of it and, as someone who has done the same, I think it's courageous and, of course, essential to living life well. Keep doing what you're doing, it is working well I think.
Becca 🌷