An over-dramatisation of an innocuous situation? No, I think not. The matter was quite serious and had spun me into a state of near-panic so I declared a state of emergency. I'd run out of my latest to-die-for tea flavour and from the moment it happened my world spiraled out of control - No, not an over-dramatisation at all, not one little bit.
Ok, it's probably a complete over-dramatisation however when I'm obsessing over a tea flavor I tend to get rather fixated on having it and when I run out I suppose I tend towards the dramatic with my reaction.

My guy bought me a really lovely gift while away on his last trip, a lovely little tea pot, and he included a tea flavor which was simply amazing and one I've not had previously for some reason - and considering how much tea I drink that's truly saying something. From the first sip, the first scent of it brewing really, I was hooked and consumed it relentlessly until today I realised I've used it all up. That's not good.
He'd bought it from a premium tea shop that's not located in our city so I'm not able to get it, not without ordering it online and waiting for shipping so, because I think I'm addicted, I went looking for it at the supermarket; I didn't expect to find that brand, I knew I would not, however what I did find was a Twinings version. I snapped up a few boxes which should see me through until my online order of the good stuff arrives and headed home to make some; emergency situation resolved, state of emergency reduced to state of pleasure.
Tea, and coffee as well, is a little bit of a ritual for me, something I love because it provides moments in which I can simply relax and take a breather. I also love to share a cup with my mother and considering the terminal nature of her illness that's time I know I'll look back on fondly in the future. It's not so much about the tea or coffee and more about the moment, the beverage is a nice accompaniment of course and I'm a little picky with it especially when I'm in obsession-mode over a flavour like I currently am.
Today my emergency crisis situation was dealt with quite easily and it was a nice lesson to make sure I have my current obsession in plentiful supply at all times; I also dropped a little hint for my guy in case he feels like surprising me again...he will of course.
I had to laugh. It's funny the things that send us into crisis mode, isn't it?
I'm glad you found a fair substitute to hold you over till the good stuff gets there.
It was a small thing with a big consequence so, not a small thing at all I guess. That's my story and I'm stocking to it. 🙃
Becca 🌷
Beautiful video and beautiful song!
What happens to you with tea I think probably happens to me with Argentine mate and that I do not miss the brand of yerba mate I drink, where the mate is more delicious. When it's missing, it's as if something like air is missing.
It's good that you were able to solve the issue as soon as possible and wait for the order to arrive.
I'm sure he will surprise you, it's nice to receive surprises.
Hugs Becca.❤️
It's a lovely song and I like that artist very much, I have loved all of her music since she began creating it; she's a very good singer.
Becca 🌷
It is, I really liked it! Thanks Becca, I hope you are having a beautiful day!❤️
I was never a big drinker of tea or coffee [water gang for life]. I have tea at the end of my meals when I'm eating at a Chinese/Japanese restaurant, and I drink coffee in social gathers [we're hanging out in a Starbucks]. But I do know a lot of people that are addicted/heavy drinkers of tea/coffee. My father is one, and he would even drink coffee a few hours before bed. I've read that caffeine can be very addicting. I hope your guy remembers to keep your supply always full of the good stuff.
I like water too and drink plenty, sometimes I filter it through tea and coffee though.
My tea supply is assured moving forward, I've made it clear that there can be no more running out of my current obsession tea flavour. He says he'll obey.
Becca 🌷
I liked how you phrased that. He'll obey.
I hope your guy understands the signs and brings you a box of tea, I'm not obsessed with any drink yet, not even coffee.
He took the hint, he's good like that.
Thanks for your comment and all the best.
Becca 🌷