
I bet he doesn't care to get all those notifications. He's already famous enough to have plenty of them around. Weekends have now become even more fun. 🤣

He's famous? goes to hide in the shadows

I don't know. Those 79 of rep aren't built on nothing. But I might be over exaggerating things. However, now we have a steampunk zombie band. So that's an infamy boost (which is fame altogether).

Weekends are a total giant party of fun now and just got spicier🌶️ 🤣

Good thing I have a liking for spicy shenanigans! 😉

You know what? I don't bother to look at these things much. I'm interested in the person, what their "soul" looks like. External anything, those are the decorative elements, in my mind.

Hey, looks are the gateway to a lot of stuff. But the personality is real hook. There's no way to get going to a pretty person with a dull personality. It doesn't work. I think, but the world is weird and tastes are weirder.

Oh there you go, winning me over more and more. How delicious! 💕

That's the whole reason behind my silly goofiness. It's awesome to know it works! 😉💞