The transition from week day to weekend has become seamless. Without a job or classes to keep track of these things it's easy to get lost between days. But time is an abstract concept, not like it doesn't exist. It's easy to keep track; yet easy to ignore sometimes.
Saturdays come as a respite from other days. This is just a custom. These days used to be my lazy days. Now, I get up early and plan stuff for the week. Some days I have to do more work. Perhaps it's luthier work, writing, studying music, transcription, or just work in my mindset. It's always expected. Saturdays are my favorite days. This is saying a lot. I play no favorite in many aspects of my life.
Today, after getting the last steps of preparation for a collab work with a friend. Yes, the one mentioned here. I made a mess of my bed looking for other things I want to record.
I know getting things back in its place is a fuss. But it's part of discipline. Anyways, when my bed looks like this, there's good things brewing in my mind.
The highlight of the day is obviously helping to make lunch. As my mom comes back from grandma's tired after a long morning of cleaning, I tend to lend my hand in as many things I possibly can do. Of course, making soup is just a joy. Even better when it is fish soup. Nothing better to get the weekend properly started.
There are steps for making the soup and fish goes in last. Maybe you'll see the finish product. Maybe not. Who knows. This isn't even ready and it smells delicious.
And this lady might be tired, but she keeps going. She complains about my grandma being 86 and still wanting to do things around the house, but I see her doing just the same. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Maybe I'm up for that too as some people say I can't keep still. Ha, ha, ha. It would be funny to see what's up with that.
This is my little review of a day beginning well. I hope your weekend goes smoothly and gets you ready for things coming next week.
Stay awesome