90% of the crap that makes me crazy goes completely away in 24 hours. That leaves only 10% to tackle with a cool head and a certain resolve.
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90% of the crap that makes me crazy goes completely away in 24 hours. That leaves only 10% to tackle with a cool head and a certain resolve.
Yup, that's some true statistical facts being thrown into the mixture. We tend to worry or get annoyed by a lot of unimportant stuff. If we ignore that, we can get a lot solved.
Yep. It mostly takes care of itself, doesn't it?
I like keeping my thoughts on both sides of the knowledge tree. That's where I keep my balance. It's just a think of taste. Calculus and math related stuff are boring, but there's uses for it. What I wouldn't touch with a 6ft stick are pseudo-sciences.
Is there another way to watch stuff unfold?
I mean all this weird things people like to use to explain stuff like astrology, homeopathy and more on that list. Hey, I'm a sucker for using logic in a lot of aspects of my life.
Takes notes
This reminds me these weird things about writing the name of a teacher I didn't like and putting it inside my shoe. And some more other weird ritual that make no sense. That's the kind of stuff I don't like to do. That's why I don't like having juju papers around. I prefer to go around with logic. And that also implies I understand things going beyond it in certain occasions.
Stops writing
About you, darling. About you.
I'm 70 years old. That's all I can do is watch in a detached manner.
I'm a river rat, too. You can keep your salty old oceans, give me a river any day.
Yes! In a similar vein, I like to say that I will only deal with one crisis at a time, as long as it's something that' worthy of being dealt with.
Good advice, but some times the sneaky bastages (crisis') get out of line and you have to swat one back.
Most go away before I can address them. Now, that bleeding child should have cried louder, in my opinion.
My brother and I were talking on the phone yesterday (he was doing fetch and carry) as his youngest was tearing out a bathroom for re-do. We'd been at it a way long time when Randy said "I have to go, Cavan is bleeding." I told him to tell his son for me "Rub some dirt on it. Sweat on my time, bleed on your own."
Haha! Only a man can say that! A mother would be sent to jail for child neglect.
Actually, nowadays, they would just take that child. What a world we live in, Tom.
Cavan is 35 with his own kids. His wife might be glad if social services took him for a while (jk. He's grown into a wonderful man)
You artist types make me nervous. The entire Universe can be defined mathematically. I believe that once you have discovered a true life percentage it NEVER changes. Like 20% of the people you meet are dicks. 60% are just people, they can come or go. 20% are the ones you want to stay with.
Another number freak? What do you know?
I sort of keep track of things.