A gift for me would be really easy today. A new master circuit breaker for my house. Half the circuitry is dead. Some lights, some outlets. Since it's a gift and virtual might as well replace the entire service panel. And yes, I'm sure this is related to the screw up with the washer and dryer earlier this year. Might even be part of the cause....
I think my gift to a Hiver would be a Yamaha Mobility Scooter for @soyrosa. She's a 'get moving' explorer type person and has been let down by a foot that she originally injured in Russia. I think maybe this one:
That’s a terrific gift Tom, as it tells me you know exactly what would make for a huge upgrade in my life, giving back something I miss so dearly: being my ‘wanderer’ self. Thank you <3
You are certainly welcome!! I wish it were in my power.
That's a pretty cool scooter. It leans to help with cornering. It can go as slow as walking, or much faster...
Ah yeah, that washer/dryer episode, the gift that keeps giving it seems. Electrical stuff is my kryptonite man, I am clueless, or near enough to it that it doesn't matter. I hope your gift comes true and you can sort it out.
That mobility scooter looks pretty cool, I mean, I'd rather an Indian Scout Bobber or Triumph Street Cup but still, this looks decent enough. A good gift for someone with a bung leg.
Yep. The gift that keeps on giving. For the record, the washer/dryer is perfect now :) I don't know it I stressed the other breaker or if it just got old and tired (This place was settled about 40 years ago).
I saw a girl (maybe 100 lbs) thrashing a 3 wheeled Piagio up on Mt. Palomar. They pioneered that 3 wheel lean and that little sister was going for it. That road is consistently one of the voted top 3 MC roads in the US. It's a lot of fun.
I'd like to see one run Pike's Peak.
They used to run all kinds of classes at Pike's Peak, but now they run just the 'top' classes so far as I know.
Palomar South Entrance is a roller coaster ride on a motorcycle. It's one of those places where I occasionally forget to breathe. Bob Smith and I saw that girl going down as we were headed up, then she was coming up the east grade as we were heading down. She was fucking thrashing that thing hard. If she'd have been riding a horse it would have been abuse.
Man you have to keep my musical palate full. This is what I'm listening to right this instant:
21 hairpin turns? Hmm, I prefer the fast sweepers myself, although gassing it out of a tight turn has a certain enjoyment factor...That moment the handlebars go light when the front wheel comes of the ground. Bliss.
The road was built specifically to haul the mirror for the BIG Telescope up the mountain in the 20s. It's really something. It starts with a huge left hand sweeper that REALLY puts you in the correct frame of mind :)
Maybe one day I'll get my knee down around some of those bends.
tokens.damn that's one neat ride
Yamaha is really slow getting their version of electric motorcycles to market, but their electric mobility products are just first rate. This is a really cool product.
How much does it cost.. it looks pretty expensive
Best guess (it's in beta testing right now) is around $2000. It should be released to the public yet this year.
2000 dollar holy sshhhhhh for a gaddamm bike how much does a car cost then
20,000 for an absolute entry level car. I'm getting ready to buy a used Honda Goldwing Motorcycle this fall. A new one is $25,000. A new touring Harley Davidson is $35,000. So it's relatively cheap :)
Damn why are motor bikes so expensive.. they almost cost a small yatch.. isn't a yatch like 50k
Your gift to her is awesome and then you have truly selected this special gift for her as you have known her for long as the one who is always moving by foot.
I'm pretty sure she is going to appreciate it alot ..
Thank you. I've known her long enough to remember when she was still trying to travel. It's a shame that she can't. She's an extraordinary photographer and her travel adventures are stunning.
I guess that makes this a selfish gift, I'd love to see her be able to go and report!
this looks like a cool machine you could ride in Europe. Cozy!
It's no wider than a normal man's shoulder width, should get along in traffic just fine, then when you get it on a road it'll get with the program pretty well. Looks really good to me.
Electrical problems are a nightmare, having my other half attend to them has become a horror show, call in electricians who know what they doing... This is not the old days when you could replace a wire on the circuit board!
Sounds like a great get up and go gift to get up and went for a friend trying to move around.
Okay, I really want this scooter😍
I've always thought I wanted a Segway for places where human traffic is more than I like (I like being the only one on a trail) like after a football game or car race or something, but I think this is a much better option. AND IT"S A YAMAHA! Same as my first motorcycle all those years ago.
Yamaha has got quality that's for sure. Here in my country the traffic is pretty crazy so I think this would surely be a good option for me too. 😁