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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 28: The gift

To my friend @mipiano I gift a metronome. Not any metronome, but a unique antique metronome that will match her style. Like this one maybe:


I know that you have no need, and for your students an electrical clicker is far more accurate and easy. But just for the beauty of it, to add a tiny complement to your beautiful music.

I was fascinated by the metronome my cousin had when she started playing piano. I was perhaps 6 and the very idea that time could be clicked just amazed me.

Merry Christmas.


Do I look so old that this antique metronome matches me?? 😱

Just kidding 😊, nice gift, thanks @bigtom13

In general, students don't like metronome clicking 🤦🏻‍♀️

Not in the least. I wanted a metronome that was out of the ordinary enough to compare to your playing.

I didn't like the thump on the head from my band director, either. But it was the price for screwing up.

Playing with a metronome is difficult. I remember hating that clicking not I'm used to it, but it is a big annoyance when you begin.

This looks awesome!