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RE: A Road Less Traveled

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

I totally hear you about cooking while you are camping. After my wife and I sleep in then take our walk and finally getting around to cooking a big breakfast it is almost time for lunch! Tongue weight and adjustment is such a huge deal. Even with trucks, people don't realize it, but it makes such a big difference. It looks like you had an awesome trip! I can't wait to hear more about it! I hit the UP twice this summer so I would have to say it was a pretty great camping season for me!


I had a great trip. Everything worked. :)

You know I miss the UP, right? I'm really glad you got to go. Twice. :)

I made two serious errors. 1: Decided my phone was plenty and left my maps at home.
2: Decided I could do everything on my phone and left the laptop at home. I'd have been way better served to do at least some of my photo massaging while out and about. I have a couple hundred photos to go through and edit.

After all that I've done to avoid it and a certain smugness that I had done so. Got covid on the way up. Fully vaxed and boosted and really pretty careful...

Other than those three things it was a GREAT trip.

I started making a point of downloading offline maps to my phone of the areas that I know I am going to be visiting. I still miss my Garmin though, it is nice just being able to see everything around you as you are traveling. My truck is a year too late to have Android Auto... I am glad you had a good time! It sounds like it was a pretty epic journey (minus the Covid)!

I miss my Garmin, too. But what I really miss is a big fold out map that will show me areas relative to other areas. I'm not too much concerned about specific points, my phone does really well with that-but the big picture was very much missed.

One point in favor of the phone is the music that comes out of it :) I have a handle bar cradle and USB port mounted...

Yeah, I can understand that.