Christmas Card - A personal note

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

Christmas Cards

They often come in fancy envelops. This year one came in a simple white one for me.

The message is often clear and spread with a glorious

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

The card in the plain white envelop was opened on the 24th by me.

It was Christmas eve on a rainy Friday night.

I knew who'd gave it to me, but still, it's always a little bit of surprise what to find inside an envelop.

Some flashy greetings or a silent thought.

The card offered a classical design which had me think of my granny.

Long past Christmas, shaped by a glorifying view of the time.

Childhood memories.

Inside a hand-written note.

How often do we get one of those today?

What it says you'll find below.

For me it's the confirmation that simple neighborhood help is more than just cleaning a house. For the elderly, the value lies in the interpersonal. In an aging society, many are alone.

So of course as long as I stay in this area I will keep supporting my neighbors. We all benefit from it a little bit. And who knows if we might need some help at that age too.

So here are the very personal words I want to share with you. Not as fishing for compliments but to show that a little help can mean a lot.

Dear Anna,

I am happy and grateful that you have reliably supported me in this difficult year.

I didn't only get your help with housework. On some days, your great sympathy also comforted me and freed me from sad thoughts.

I am pleased that in the coming year you will be able to take up a job that fully matches your interests and abilities.

Fortunately, you have already agreed that, in addition to your work with the four-legged friends, you will also have time for the two-legged friends!

Dear Anna, I wish you a good start into the New Year!

Sincerely, Ingrid.

This post is an entry in support of Qurator's Photo Quest: Christmas Cards



Such a very sweet note!

Helping and being kind to others always has it's warm heart rewards and needs no other, but it is still nice when appreciation is expressed.

Hey true words of yours. Thanks for this comment. Have a happy new years! :)

Awww - simply beautiful! Einfach nur schön, so richtig Weihnachten aber im wirklich guten Sinne.
Wünsche Dir einen guten Rutsch ins neue 😀

Danke Dir! Und selbiges auch für Dich!

Happy New Years!

Ich feiere Corona konform. Ich + Hund + Hund, Lauti kann mir danken für soviel Einsatz 😂. Oh warte, ich wohne in BW und bin vor exakt 3 Monaten das 2te mal gepiekst worden. Ich kann ja ohne Test sowieso nirgends mehr hin 😄, na gut, dann bleib ich doch daheim.

Ja, tun wir auch, allein daheim, was allerdings unsere Norm ist seitdem wir hier in den USA leben.

Wie jetzt? Du bist 2x geimpft und kannst trotzdem nirgends hin? Ich komm bei den ganzen deutschen Corona Regeln nicht mehr hinterher... 😩

Ich will auch wieder nach Hause 😩 😂 . Ach hier macht doch jeder was er will, ich mein is ja überall so. Einige verdienen sich ne goldene Nase an der ganzen Sache und Leute wie wir sitzen blöd da. Hier gilt, je nachdem wo man lebt, 2G+. Heisst nach 3 Monaten musst du dich boostern lassen ansonsten bleibst halt draussen oder besorgst dir ständig irgendeinen blöden Test.

Naja, ich war ja schon immer Hermit, so komm ich ja klar damit. Aber alle 3 Monate scheiss impfe? Da bin ich dann auch raus. 1-2 ok, aber mehr?

Ummmm Happy New Years 😂