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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 50: The natural world

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago

Yah if you get dropped on one of the Greats and you don't know it you can mistake them for a sea. They don't feel like lakes. When I visited Lake Garda in Italy people wondered why I wasn't impressed. I mean I love it, would move there in a heartbeat but once you felt a Great Lake everything else feels little 😄. Lake Garda is still a very spiritual place for me but for other reasons than the size lol.


I know the big lakes in Idaho way better. Intimately :) I know the rivers that feed them, and have traipsed all over around them. I love them and have considered living nearby several times.

I probably prefer Coeur d'Alene but only because my favorite river on earth feeds it. The St. Joe. I hope one of my nephews will tote my ashes to Prospector Creek where it runs into the St. Joe. That's how much that place means to me.

It is nice to have a place like that. Do you live in that area?

I used to. I've lived in Arizona the last 20 years. I'll go take another look in a couple of months when I'm up there visiting.

Great, take some pics, I would like to see your favorite place :).

I'll do that if I take my car. If I take my motorcycle I can't quite get there. I can get pretty close...

I haven't been there in over 20 years. So no photos at all. I'm due to go back.

Oh wow that's a long time. Where do you live now?