One more year of life. Birthday|| Thank you.

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago (edited)

Yesterday November 20th, I climbed one more step on the ladder of life.

Yesterday I arrived at the age of 31

How fast life goes by. It seems to me that it was yesterday when I was still playing with dolls.Hahaha. Life passes quickly, the important thing is to know how to live it.

Every day I thank God, But yesterday of my birthday, I thanked him very much, because God gave me life and health, which is the greatest gift you can have. I also thanked him for my family because I have them healthy and yesterday, as every day, they showed me their love, with each of the messages they sent me.

My daughter who showed her love and painted a beautiful picture for me.

The material gifts go away, they are over, the gifts you give from your heart, with a hug, or a message you send because distance does not allow you to be close show you are important in the life of those people.
Not only my family was looking out for me. Friends who are out of the country were also present to remember my birthday.

This year of life I have met through HIVE great people, who have become angels and every day they leave lessons of life for me, I thank them too.Because they have left their birthday present for me.

My day continued happily in the company of my loved ones.

Live and give thanks, never forget it.
Be grateful for everything you have.


Happy birthday for yesterday! I hope you had a great day and your next year is amazing! :)

Thank you very much. Amen. So be it.
Thank you for visiting my post

Nice painting of your daughter, :-)
Big Hug and have a great day.Happy Birthday my dear friend @carmenm20.

🎂 😊

Thank you very much dear friend.

My daughter is an artist. She has some very nice paintings. I will show them to you later.

Happy Birthday. It's nice to celebrate with friends and family. I hope your day was especially blessed.

Thank you very much.

Sharing with my family is the best gift.


Thank you very much!

 4 years ago  

Happy birthday to you! The material gifts lose their luster after a time, especially once you have kids I think. It’s more about spending time as family and enjoying life, particularly with all of the chaos going on right now. Hope you had a wonderful weekend! It’s always nice to have a birth day on a weekend, get a better time to enjoy with family most often.

Yes, that's right. When you grow up and have a family the most important thing is to be able to share with your loved ones.

Just a young thing with so much to live for with your daughter, and life ahead. Take care and stay safe. Also, you still have your mom with you, so life is good!

Thank you very much.

There is still a long way to go, important beings in my life, my mother and my daughter
It is true