My Experience Planning Aspects of My Life


It should be noted that I chose the topic that has to do with planning "Do you prefer to plan aspects of your life or let it happen and let yourself go?" When we talk about planning we refer to defining an objective of what we want to achieve in order to progressively achieve it, establishing each of those steps that will lead to the final goal. At a professional level, in my profession as a teacher, the classes and activities that I am going to develop in my workspace are planned.


Now, in life some things have been planned because they require time and my wife's opinion. I don't mean by this that all the things in my life are planned, because there are others that are not. One of the things we planned was to get married, more than 15 years ago, we enjoyed the first two years and planned to have our first child, for that I took her to the gynecologist, and she got under control, then over time she became pregnant, my daughter was born In 2010, after three years, my son was born, who is my happiness.


On the other hand, I consider that there are things that are not planned and turn out for the best, on one occasion I had some money saved and in a few days we decided to go to a water park that is two hours from where I live, to know exactly the location I searched the address of the place on the internet and the next day we got up early, took a public transportation bus that left us two blocks from the park.


It should be noted that my children and my wife enjoyed the pools and the different slides that are in this park, there was really no need to go out and enjoy that recreation, which although it was not planned, was something that arose. a day before and it turned out great.

Finally, I want to say that there are things in everyday life that deserve good planning and others that don't, like this experience.

I hope you liked it, see you in a next post.

Greetings friends of Hive and @fulldeportes, today again I am going to participate in the initiative proposed by @galenpkp, where he proposes several topic proposals, to choose the one with which we most identify, and express our experience.

Fotografías: Teléfono Redmi Note 10
Portada realizada en APP GridArt
Logos utilizados de Hive y de fulldeportes
Traductor utilizado: Traductor de Google

Photos: Redmi Note 10 Phone
Cover made in The APP GridArte
Used logos of Hive and fulldeportes
Translator used: Translator used: Google Translate

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Vote la-colmena for witness By @ylich
