It should be noted that in Venezuela, some people think that they can do whatever they want inside their homes and outside as well. But it turns out that there are some laws that are established in the constitution of our country. That is why we have to be clear about how we should act in a situation where we are affected in order to provide a solution between the affected parties.
One of the experiences that I remember in my childhood when I was about nine years old, we lived in a large house with my parents and where each one had a room, on several occasions we were sleeping and at two in the morning, a neighbor came and turned on a sound system at full volume, this affected us as we went to school late at night due to the music at too high a volume that echoed in the room.
In view of this situation, my father complained to the neighbor that he was also my father's friend. From that moment on, the neighbor understood that he should not do that, but later he continued doing it repeatedly. Because of this, my father reported it to the community prefecture and had to sign an act not to do it again.
Another experience I had at my parents' house was some people with trucks that would park in front of the house, blocking the way and preventing my father from parking with the car. On that occasion my father complained to him and the person told him that the street was free and my father told him that he was totally wrong, because one pays front fees and taxes to demand that he remove the truck and that is how he removed it.
Finally, you have to know the laws to be able to proceed against a person in a polite manner without any type of problem, all in accordance with the legal framework.
I hope you liked it, see you in a next post.
Fotografías: Teléfono Redmi Note 10
Portada realizada en APP GridArt
Traductor utilizado: Traductor de Google
Logos utilizados de Hive y de @fulldeportes
Photos: Redmi Note 10 Phone
Cover made in The APP GridArte
Translator used: Translator used: Google Translate Used logos of Hive and @fulldeportes
Vote la-colmena for witness By @ylich
How bad it is to have neighbors who do not respect each other's peace. Greetings
Yes it was an unpleasant experience, thank you for your comment.
Unbelievable teacher, if I tell you our experience you will die hehehe, we just have a neighbor who places a bugle, loud horns at all the volume he can and sometimes does not even let us talk inside the house.