When we talk about rights we refer to the established norms that guarantee a dignified life for all citizens, which are established in the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, which is my case, it is my country where I have lived all my life. These rights should not be violated by governments because they would be violating the Constitution and they must set an example to respect it and not harm people.
It should be noted that in my childhood my parents told me that I should study to have a secure future, that is, graduate as a professional and then have a job with a good salary, and be guaranteed a decent retirement, after twenty-five years of work. But things did not turn out as expected and in our country our rights have been violated by the government.
One of those rights is to have a decent salary. For more than three years, public administration professionals, such as teachers, doctors and all public entity workers, have earned a salary of $4 dollars a fortnight, and bonuses that It does not have any type of salary incidence, it is sad every time we get paid and this is not enough for anything. On the other hand, teachers who retire give him $500 as a settlement, which is only enough to make a small market.
In our country, practically all public employees earn the same, that is, professional study is not valued, it is not justified that a person with a university education earns the same as someone who has not studied, without underestimating the work of other people who are important in an educational institution.
On the other hand, we have the right to have guaranteed health, through medical care, hospitalization, surgery and maternity services. For a long time we have not enjoyed this right, when we get sick the option we have is to go to hospitals, where we have the care of doctors who are beginners and we must buy the medicines in order to be treated by them and with the risk of having them perform on you. poor medical practice due to inexperience.
In addition to these rights that I have mentioned, we have the right to freedom of expression, but it has also been disrespected by the government. Anyone who expresses what they feel anywhere, or on a social network, runs the risk of being accused of being an opponent. , terrorist and then we cannot express what we feel because we can be victims of all situations where the rights of all Venezuelans are violated.
Finally, there are still other rights that are violated, but we are still here in our country, waiting for a change. I hope you liked it, see you in a next post.
Photos: Redmi Note 10 Phone
Cover made in The APP GridArte
Used logos of Hive
Translator used: Translator used: Google Translate
Vote la-colmena for witness By @ylich
Los docentes y maestros en la actualidad son objeto de constantes violaciones de sus derechos especialmente por las autoridades del Estado sin incluir a los representantes y estudiantes que también consciente e inconscientemente se pasan violentándonos nuestros derechos. Buen tema profe y excelentes reflexiones.
Saludos amigo gracias por tu comentario.
It's your right to force the change and there's various ways to do so. I guess it'll mean the majority of the population all coming together to affect that change though, and with that process will come risk which is sometimes greater than people are willing to accept.
Yes, it is a risk that you could be imprisoned and even die for seeking change, greetings.
Yep, and some will take that risk and make change happen, others will just play along with the life they're told to live.
When it regards to salary for teachers, we also felt undervalued here in our country that doesn't justify our job descriptions which is very sad for us. Hoping that this will change and may all of our governments make actions to this matter. ♥️
God willing it will happen, thanks for your comment, best regards.
What a great catharsis, my friend. Every day that passes I feel more like the frog in the hot water experiment.
Yes my friend, it is unfortunate what all Venezuelans are going through, thanks for your comment my friend, greetings.