My Best and Worst Trait.

in Weekend Experienceslast year (edited)

Hello everyone 🥰. It's actually my first time posting here, hope I'm welcome 🙃


So, I'd like to share my best and worst trait with you and how it has affected me positively and negatively. But before that, let me share the definition of TRAITS.

A trait, as related to genetics, is a specific characteristic of an individual. Traits can be determined by genes, environmental factors or by a combination of both. Traits can be qualitative (such as eye color) or quantitative (such as height or blood pressure). A given trait is part of an individual’s overall phenotype.

My Best Trait

My Best Trait is SERVICE ORIENTED. I feel obliged to render service to people whether I get paid or not. I feel empathy and compassion others. I visualise myself in other people's situations and that pushes me do what I can to render a helping hand to them. I'm also entrapped in the mindset of "treat others the way you want to be treated". I don't even mind doing it for someone who has hurt me.

How has it affected me negatively?

My SERVICE ORIENTED TRAIT has really affected me negatively in different ways.Although, I feel very bad whenever I'm not able to render that service. I almost got scammed by fraudsters because I wanted to help 😁. It sounds funny but I love the way I am. I don't like it when someone pleads with me for something because even when I don't want to do that, I just end up doing it.
It has also affected my strong-willed personality, I get weakened by others plight that I can even forget about myself and my principles just to help them. Sometimes I might end up hurting myself.


How has it affected me positively?

Rendering help to people gives me peace of mind. I feel fulfilled. I've been favoured in so many ways not just by man but by God. In fact, the best of it is the "God bless you" I get from helping.
I can adapt and change situations so as to provide an opportunity to support others.

My Worst Trait

My worst trait is SILENT.

This is the worst trait I have and I've had complaints concerning this. I'll say it came as a result of low self-esteem. I haven't really mentioned it to anyone. This silence comes only when I do something wrong, or when I'm upset about something, or when I'm stressed out. It makes people around me at that particular moment very annoyed and may want to hurt me in the process. But the truth is that I can't help it. And believe me, I've tried and still trying to overcome this trait of me.

How It has positively affected me.

Well, the only this worst trait of mine has affected me positively is that it helps me ease my stress, avoid being disrespectful and avoid getting into any kind of trouble. At that moment I'm stressed, I feel so relieved when I don't say anything to anyone at all no matter the situation.

It makes me avoid being disrespectful because when someone tries to stress me more than I already I am, I tend to be very tensed and I can say something hurtful without thinking just so I can get peace and quiet around me. It's kinda weird though.

How it has affected me negatively.

Gosh! I almost lost someone very dear to me. It has affected my relationship with my family too. I'm seen as the child that likes keeping to herself. Whenever I'm quite, nobody really cares to know what could be the reason for that because they believe that's just me. I can't also share with my loved ones what's bothering me, I just keep SILENT. I feel the best thing to do is to be alone.


In genetics, traits are characteristics about humans and other living organisms that can be described or measured. Traits can be physical or behavioral. Sometimes, we may find it difficult to overcome, but with hard work, one can. Just like I've been making efforts to overpower my SILENT TRAIT.

All images are mine

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