Weekend Treat with Lee

With my son enjoying coffee and a treat

Celebration time again - I reached 1000 days streak on my Duolingo - mostly learning Dutch now but still keeping up with my Spanish by watching Spanish shows with sub-titles.

Emma sent us some money for a coffee treat and so Lee and I went off for a walk in a different direction today and found a new place to try out.

The place was called Dstrct-DZ.

Lee and I each had a cappuccino and I had a slice of lemon cake.

The coffee shop

Inside the coffee shop

Sunflowers on the window ledge

I was surprised by the high prices on the menu - one example in particular was the Soup of the Day - 13 euros and 50 cents. Wow - compared to a lovely little restaurant on the Campus here where Lee lives you can get soup for 4 Euros and 50 cents

On the walk home we saw some ducks and fed them some crumbs - from my morning breakfast.

Was enjoyable watching them. The weather is so lovely now and we are enjoying the sunshine.

Hope you enjoyed my outing with me.


That's a whole lot of Euros for soup! The cappuccino and lemon cake look very good though.
Enjoy spending time with Lee

Thanks Lizelle - agree the soup is outrageous. I'm loving being with my mom

Yesterday I had some tomato soup in a new indian restaurant in the complex. It was one of the best soups I've ever had and it was 4.95 - crazy to see how overpriced this place was

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