Ah now that’s an interesting switch I like it! I’ll be taking some pictures tomorrow of what we are doing but it’s going to be a really fun and special day on Sunday. E’s birthday! Can’t believe it, little man is growing too old. We are going to have a little party at the lake house with some of our closest friends, we are really looking forward to it since we haven’t seen them since Christmas, where we normally see them three or four times in a normal year.
More to come!
A special weekend...#weekend-engagement week 16 and the little tackers birthday! Lol.
I like the sound of that little celebration at the lake house. Anything at the lake house sounds awesome to be honest. :)
I'll look out for a weekendy image later on. Have a good one, and happy birthday to the little fella!
Thanks man! I think it will be a lot of fun, I’ll see what I can put together, the cake alone is awesome! The cake is lake theme and everything!
A lake themed cake being served at the lake, inside the lake house! Now that's coordination!