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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 55: The gift

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago

I’m not good at gifts for myself either. Some people know what they want other people to buy them but for me, if I want something I’ll usually buy it. If I don’t buy it, it’s probably too expensive for me to justify or I don’t really need it lol.

That watch looks badass! I want to get me a decent outdoors watch, I’m a huge watch guy and have got a couple really nice, at least in my opinion, invicta watches. Those are my favorite brand so far but they are more dressy than anything so I don’t get to wear them often.

For personal gifts, I’m going big with it but it’s not something just for me but for the whole family. I would gift myself a house with some land near the beach, could be a few streets away or something, but with an acre or two of land so that we had some privacy and space to do things like grow food, plant trees and be able to do what we want. This house will come with the stuff Siena wants like a jacuzzi tub in it but most importantly for me is a two car garage that’s the size of a small barn! Lol. We went to look at a house that was like that and I would’ve bought it just for the garage but cooler minds prevailed and we didn’t buy it lol. I don’t want anything fancy, 1,500 square feet or so should be enough room for us and the garage just needs to be big enough for me to have almost any tool I want but most importantly a lift for the cars! I love fixing the cars but can’t afford to buy a lift, at least for now until bitcoin moons. Having this and being close to the beach will be enough for the rest of our lives to live easily and comfortably. Not a lot to ask for! Lol.

For a gift for a fellow hiver I would have to go with @bulldog-joy and I would give her a house for her to live in that’s paid off so she can enjoy what she does and wants without the stress of bills and all that, that she’s going through in wonderful Germany. All of the stuff in the house would have 50 year warranties to it as well so that when anything breaks, even the coffee pot, it’s under warranty and it gets fixed or replaced with a new one! Lol. Wouldn’t that be a sweet deal?!

 4 years ago (edited) 

Don't worry brother, I got your back. Container of cable-ties in every size and colour coming your way!

Can I add something for your self-gifted house? The garage actually...One of those car turning turntables. Drive on one way, hit a button and it swivels around so you don't have to back out. I have one and they are gold! OK, it's not me that has it per se, but Batman has one and he told me he loves it. It will compliment your car hoist perfectly. Good self gift mate, the house.

A good person to gift something to brah. Anna is not online at the moment though, computer issues, but I'll snapshot it and send her so she sees it. She'd take the house I reckon, but would settle for a computer at this stage I think. Let's send her both though. ;)

EDIT: @cmplxty, see response from Anna below.



 4 years ago  

The house would come with a computer that won’t break for sure lol.

zip ties and a car turntable would be an awesome contribution to the garage! A guy can never have enough zip ties that’s for sure and who wants to back up anymore? That’s for simple people!

Backing cars up is so 2020.

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