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RE: Weekend Engagement: Hobbies

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

That’s a wonderful hobby and small time business you have going! I think it’s great that you’ve done it and are using skills you had and combined that with something you are passionate for.

I know what you mean with letting the house go. It’s been a tough couple weeks and our house is just one constant mess. We’ve cleaned it and within a few hours it’s like nothing was cleaned hahaha young kids! Destructive and dirty, especially boys lol

Welcome to the awesome community here! It’s an incredibly fun place. Get to some good comments on other peoples posts and make sure to stick around every weekend! There’s always a new fun topic to explore! There’s also so many friendships that develop here so it’s a remarkable place for sure.



Yes, there's been many times where I've wondered, "what's the point in cleaning?" when there's kids around 😆 As I'm cleaning, she's usually getting into something else and making another mess.