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RE: Weekend-Engagement topics: WEEK 227

in Weekend Experiences5 months ago

Yeah, I am doing a little better everyday. I was getting a little overwhlemed with government red tape and just mentally wore down for the last couple weeks. It is finally all done and should be smoother sailing here forward...hopefully.

It's good to be back, and seeing what the gang is up to. Weekend is going to be great. Heading out this morning with a Marine Vet friend to do some Toys for Tots stuff and then some more of it tomorrow. Hope you have a great weekend as well.


Sorry to hear it but glad to hear things are levelling out.

Good work on the tots for tots thing, we do that here too. Have a good time and a good weekend.

It is all good. A good exercise in patience :-)

Toys for Tots has been something I have been involved in for years in one form or another. The last couple years I haven't been very active with it because of the health issues, but now that i am getting better, well, it is time to whip it on for the kiddos. I love it.