Ah, Friday is not so much here, at least I don't think so, but for many years I was one of those poor suckers, so my fondness for and attention to holidays is not so great.
Interesting, wasn't sure what to expect with what I know of Australia's history. Surprised there's more Catholics than Anglicans though.
So the class was learning how to make this pattern, called the log cabin pattern. I got the cursed seat that had everything go wrong, they eventually just swapped out looms for me, but I kind of think I got the hang of it by the end. Or did you mean weaving more generally? We had a loom in the house growing up, at some point I learned how to use it and then never did again. Recently thought of it again and decided it might be a handy skill to have, plus I have some ideas for subversive art that I want to try out once I feel I've got the hang of it enough to execute what I have in mind.
One step forward and two steps back I reckon. #progress Man, you ain't kidding about the lost skills. Few years back a friend called me up wanting to know how to clean a chicken. I'd never done it myself so I started calling family that had but nobody could tell me how to now. Ended up learning how to from a youtube video, which might be the only thing that saves us, now that I think of it.
In re:weaving, it really is. It's all math and patterns, which my brain enjoys, and there's just something deeply satisfying about being able to make things for yourself and not have to rely on others.
There's a Robert Heinlein quote that I may have shared with you before but I'm going to again just because I love it so much and I think it kind of sums up what we're both getting at.
It's a great quote for sure! I can do most, computer programming not and I've not had much to do with ships,.just been on some is all.
I hope you have a great weekend. Mine just started (4pm Thursday). I'm off hunting shortly, just a sneaky little trip for the next several hours. The rest of the weekend will be pretty chilled.