If I could experience the world through the senses of 100-year-old me.

in Weekend Experiences2 years ago (edited)

The deeper I go into my own personal development journey the more I realise that we're all viewing the world and experiencing life differently.

Doing a deep excavation of my own childhood patterns of behaviour over the last decade or so has allowed me to see that my own perception changes as I heal old past traumas. This has taught me that if my own perception change that readily clearly other people's perceptions can and do change as well.

Learning about the personality profiling system, Human Design, has helped me see, without a shadow of a doubt, that we are all born to see (and hear and sense) the world differently. I've stopped automatically assuming that people see what I see, hear what I hear, or get what I get. I now know that they don't, they can and do perceive things, sometimes, entirely differently to the way I do. And there's nothing wrong with that.

Journey through the childhood stuff and the personality profiling stuff has made me intensely curious about other people's perspectives and how they are perceiving the same reality they seem to be sharing with me. What are they seeing? What are they feeling? What are they hearing?

What are they picking up that I'm missing entirely? And, especially when I'm teaching, what am I sharing that they're completely struggling to perceive at all?

I often think it would be fun/incredible/hugely enlightening to step into someone else's body and experience life for even a short while the way they perceive it. I think if there was a way to do this we would be much, much kinder, compassionate and understanding with one another.

But I don't just imagine doing this with other people; I imagine doing it with my 5-year-old self and my 100-year-old self, because they're going to be able to see/hear/feel things that my "worrying about stupid shit" 40-something-year-old would really benefit from.

Let's look at what I imagine my 100-year-old self would say to the current me if we could dialogue based on what she's perceiving in her own time-space reality:

Caroline, sweetheart, life is long. Dad was right when he asked the question, "Is this going to matter in 5 years?". It's a useful way to gain a bigger perspective on all the little things you often worry about.

You do worry a lot, darling. And I promise, it's not necessary. Yes, bad, scary and sometimes awful things are going to happen in your lifetime. But worrying about them, in advance and then after the fact, isn't going to change anything.

I want to suggest something now that's going to seem counter to the idea of letting go of worry and that is, play. The more you deliberately play--and by play I mean create and make love and do things that make you laugh and... anything you could do with a small child that they would find delightful, like dance, sing, climb on and up and over things--the more energy you'll have to deal with awful stuff when it happens.

Of course, you'll need to do the responsible adult-type things as well. You already know that. But it's easy to get caught up in those things thinking that they are life. They're not life, they're necessary in life, but they themselves are not life. Life is creating, contributing, doing things that make you a light in the world for yourself and others. Life is expressing yourself and creating things that are beautiful for the sake of beauty rather than productivity.

Be productive, sure. Yes, do that. It's great. But in and of itself, it's not the point.

Being productive without creating beauty, without contributing, without experiencing joy or expressing yourself? That's not the point. When you do that you have missed the point entirely.

Surround yourself with people who are creating joyful, expressive, beautiful things that help others. They're being productive but the productivity is a by-product of all the other stuff. Focus on doing the other stuff and the all that energy you've been wasting on all these years on thinking you need to be more productive with suddenly be (gloriously!) available for other, way more fun, things. I promise.

This post was prompted by this guy in this post in this community. I opted to answer the question regarding perception change. Of course, I gave an unconventional answer because, as it turns out, this is what organically wanted to come out of me today.

Today's post was written in Auckland, NZ where I'm currently on holidays with my love. This is the coffee I drank (a Soy Dirty Chai) while he did a few extra kilometres of running than my legs were up for. All photos in this (Hive Blog Posting Month) post were taken by me, on my Google Pixel 2XL inside Pukekawa (the Auckland Domain).


How old do you think the tree is?

I have no idea but gorgeously old, hey?

Thank you for reblogging this post @traciyork, @sarayscristina, @jongcl & @belug 😁🤗😍

What a great response, getting to hear wisdom from your future self.
I have begun exploring more about Human Design, it is quite fascinating. @drrune got me interested when he done my chart a while ago. Xx

Thank you for tagging me on this post, precisely today. I had a wonderful revelation while talking with @selfhelp4trolls a few hours ago and it had everything to do with what this post is about. I feel it speaks to me now in a way that perhaps I wouldn't have quite understood even a week ago.

I'm truly glad, also, that my astrological reading was so important and helpful to you. I'm always up for that service and for Rune readings if you or anyone you know need them or would find them fun. Blessings to you and to @consciouscat for these lovely words that are so significant to me!

🙏Love it, the synchronicity is gorgeous when we spot it, is it not? 🤗

Bless. Thanks for the kind words, Aishlinn.
And I love knowing that there are others on here who know a bit about Design. What's your Type, Inner Authority and Profile? (And if you know enough to tell me, your notable defined or undefined centres and defined channels?). V curious!

Learning about the personality profiling system, Human Design, has helped me see, without a shadow of a doubt, that we are all born to see (and hear and sense) the world differently. I've stopped automatically assuming that people see what I see, hear what I hear, or get what I get. I now know that they don't, they can and do perceive things, sometimes, entirely differently to the way I do. And there's nothing wrong with that.

I wish many would read these lines, life would be much more easier.

I often think it would be fun/incredible/hugely enlightening to step into someone else's body and experience life for even a short while the way they perceive it.

I used to do that when I was a kid. Seeing other families, how they live, what rules they have... made me curious. Obviously I envied those who seemed to have a better life, but as a kid, what do you know, right? Sometimes I still do that, but for a different reason.

You have a lot of good points here. i love it!

Thanks, @erikah 🙏 I appreciate you reflecting back the bits that resonated with you the most. It helps me see which parts are worth repeating elsewhere.

Yay! 🤗
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Thank you @zakludick 🙏

You're welcome!

Thanks for the reblog, @hivehealth 🙏🙏🙏

I love your post!! Human Design is something that many many people have recommended me, and I started to explore and then I forgot. Maybe this is the sign that I need to continue. Always healing could mean a reborn, a revelation of something that you need to know. And what you obtained from your own healing is a beautiful message.

You know? When I was reading you, I though: OMG I also think that other people have the same perception that I have about the world!! I haven’t realized that… I mean, I know we are all different, but as this is one world, I assumed that we just see it in the same way, and of course we don’t!! Being in another body could be very powerful…

I love it! Thank you for sharing this!!

Oh, thank you for your kind, enthusiastic words, @belug 😊😍🙏

Your response makes me guess you're an Emotional Manifesting Generator... but I could be wrong 😁 Still, it's always fun to guess.

If you know your exact time of birth then I totally recommend you look up your chart. Sounds like you've been getting whispers for ages... what does your body say to the idea?

Well… yes! I know the exact time!! I will look for it right now, before I forget again, lol. My body says that there is something that I’ll discover that could be a little bit scary for my Virgo mind, lol

It says “manifest or, the fire starter”

Ooooh. Manifestor. One of the rarer HD types.

My body says that there is something that I’ll discover that could be a little bit scary for my Virgo mind, lol

!LOL I can already guess what your body knows that HD will reveal for you. Knowing the Manifestor Type really well now (my partner is a Mani) I will also recommend you check it out sooner rather than later 😂

While Manifestors generally hate being told what to do (😆😅😉) my partner has said to me that he wishes HD was taught in schools. He learned about his design from me when he was already in his 50's and it's made a huge difference in our relationship by knowing his chart. In fact, I don't think I could have been in partnership with him without knowing his about him; it means I communicate with him very differently than any partner I've ever had before and this makes our relationship work really well. Without Design I would be lost!

Lotrimin should make NFTs
They are good at making things non-fungible.

Credit: theabsolute

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(1/8)@belug, I sent you an on behalf of @consciouscat

Oh!! Thank you!!

Lol, I read rare and my mind went to a card in Splinterlands (it’s a type of card, “rare”). I’m impressed, it couldn’t be more specific. I’ll read more about it, because I believe that my manifestor woke up 5 years ago, when I finally managed to live on my own, hehe. I’m very happy as a solitaire wolf, hehe. I have to learn about it!

Thank you!! I believe this is the message that I needed right now!!! I was a little bit lost in this particular moment, and now everything is clearer!!


What you said here will stay with me. Thank you!

Oh, you are so welcome. Thanks for stopping by to say so ❤️

what beautiful photos, I loved them

Wawo what a nice tree.. i love nature

me too 😍

Your reply makes me guess you're an Emotional Manifesting Generator... but I could be wrong Still, it's always fun to guess. Maybe this is the sign that I need to continue. Always healing could mean a reborn, a revelation of something that you need to know.

Thanks for the reblog, @refa 😊

I think the bird is a Tūī (if it had a white spot in the front part of the neck).

Checking posts on free/stuck with the phone time. 😁

Checking posts on free/stuck with the phone time. 😁

!LOL Lucky me 😉😀

Aha! You've solved a puzzle for me. We saw Tūī when we were on top of Matairangi/Mount Victoria and again in the Botanic Gardens (in WLG) this morning.

When I look at this website I think the photo that looks the closest to this bird in the tree at the Auckland Botanic Gardens was the mātātā/Fernbird.

But I also realise (looking at this website that we've been seeing a lot of Blackbirds too.

And I would !LUV to see a Kākā! They must be closely related to my favourite bird on the planet, the Black Cockatoo.

Kākā probably on Zelandia if you are still in Wellinton. Otherwise its harder to see them near big cities in the wild. But there are some around ruapehu mountain and on kapiti island. Probably other places but these where the ones I have seen them.

We are still in Wellington but we ended up spending a chunk of today up another massive hill (Te Ahumairangi Hill). My legs, José, they're getting a workout!!! 22,299 steps!!! !LOL

If When we make it back to NZ I'll have to revisit these posts and see if we can fill in some of the gaps we missed on this trip. I'd !LUV to see Kākā!

They’re selling pre-sliced fruit at Whole Foods
Hey, that's false advertising!

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(1/8)@forykw, I sent you an on behalf of @consciouscat

What do sea monsters eat for lunch?
Fish and ships.

Credit: reddit

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(3/8)@forykw, I sent you an on behalf of @consciouscat

Great post! Human design is the one with generator and manifestor right?

Generator and Manifestor are two of the Types. I'm a Projector which is another one of the Types. Do you know yours?Thanks, @selfhelp4trolls. Yes, Human Design has several "Types" and

Manifesting generator! 🔥I never studied but two friends told me, I like the sound of that!!!

Aha! Well then I bet you're a prolific content creator surrounded by people who can't keep up with you and wonder how you get so many different things done on any given day 😍😁😅

Thanks for the reblog, @beauty197 🙏

Your welcome

as our faces differs from one another, so does our thinking, our feeling and mentality differs.

This is such an easy way to think of it and teach the concept to others. Thanks for mirroring this back to me this way, @marajah 😊🙌

How old is the tree? I have no clue! Old, that's for sure. I wonder what it would tell us about it's perspective if it could talk? 🤔🌳

Haha. I'm sure it would tell us about its experiences in life. Maybe it would say something like this:

My roots run deep and I've been around long enough to see a lot of changes around here.
The day-to-day doesn't change too much; birds fly and land on my branches and they nest in the little nooks they can find in my expansive network of limbs, ants crawl up and down my trunk, people admire me.

Some days are different. People photograph my immense beauty, they climb on my big, old, raised roots or even into my lower branches. I can feel those who are anxious to escape the world and those who are curious explorers at peace with the world.

And over time everything around me changes. The grass grows long and then is mown. Some smaller trees grow and then are taken away again. This makes me sad but it is part of the ever-changing tapestry of life, you know?

If you're lucky to be around as long as an old fella like me you'll witness a lot too. Some of it will be wonderful and some of it will be awful, and pretty much all of it will be out of your control.

I think you humans could learn a lot about by coming and being a tree for a while. There's so much to learn when we are silent witnesses to the ever-changing nature of life.