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RE: Forgive Me Mother For I Have Sinned

Just like everyone else I surely didn’t finish this read with a dry face. You’ve had so many heartwarming comments here to read already so I’m just here letting you know it was amazing for you to write such a post in her loving memory. The fact that you were strong enough to share such personal and intimate truths with us is quite amazing in my eyes.

Your story has touched many. I am blessed to still have my parents but I am constantly praying and thinking about their health hoping not to get that call…that call that would change my life forever.

Thank you for those words of wisdom. I’ll tell, ask and share the things I’ve been holding in with them while I still have the chance.

God Bless you always ~ 🙏🏽

 3 years ago  

Well I'm glad you waited til now to respond cuz I was mess that day. =0 But I'm good now and ready to crack jokes.

I swapped Granny Green apples 1:1 with Pink Lady apples at the market yesterday and made one big pile of pink and green polkadots.


Thanks for keeping an eye on me.

I'd rather crack jokes. I'd rather not forget significant dates. That one beat me up. I shot my buddy a line who buried his mother several years before me, asked if he ever forgot her birthday. "It's happened" he said. I sent it around 9am, bastard didn't respond til 9 pm!

Thank you @crosheille.

I could tell you were having quite the day.

Did you get a photo of that? That would have been cool to see.

Now you know without a shadow of doubt that you ARE human and it DOES happen to all of us one time or another (even those times where we don’t expect it to). 😉

So, you’re ready to get back to cracking jokes? Good because I can only be sentimental for so long. 😅😜