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RE: Forgive Me Mother For I Have Sinned

You brought me to tears. A touching post. Sending so much love to you.

Don't ever beat yourself up for anything. As a mom myself, if you were my son, I'd tell you..Nah we all forget stuff. Even important to us mom stuff and it's ok because I know you love me. Moms want us to forget things that bring us pain.

and now I made myself cry.

I spoke to my son today on Facetime. He's 13. I ended the convo as usual... "Be a good boy and I'm sending 100 kisses" and proceeded to kiss the camera a bunch of times and without missing a beat he kissed the camera back.

So I'll tell you the same thing I tell him...

Be a good boy and I'm sending 100 kisses ❤️

 3 years ago  

Fucker you did it to me too. Had I known fucker had this much positive impact I woulda made it my handle!

Oh crap I been cryin like a baby more today than her funeral. I'm so upset with myself for forgetting. The point I'm trying to make right now is calling you fucker like that made this cryin sissy wipe his eyes between laughs. Thank you. He's lucky to have you.

Mom's are the best!!


(Apologies in advance if that's really someone's handle)

LOL glad you could laugh through the tears! this reply also made me cry and laugh at the same time. Thanks for making me show emotion in public throws a box of tissues at you as she leaves before more damn tears fall

@fucker's mom 🤣

 3 years ago  
