Today I got carried away by the typical Argentinian Sunday, it was not in my plans, but it happened.
It is that Sundays, the only day I share completely with my boyfriend, I like to enjoy it in a different way. For example going out to eat something, drinking mates in the square, or being a tourist in my country. But today was not like that, as soon as he grabbed the lawn mower, I realized that it would be a normal Sunday. And so I enjoyed it!
What do most Argentines do on a Sunday?
Apart from those who get together for lunch with the family, who are the vast majority, the rest follow a very conventional routine.
In the morning
Before washing our faces and even opening both eyes, we heat up the kettle to drink mate. That is our favorite breakfast, usually accompanied by facturas (half of Argentines eat them with custard and the other half with dulce de leche, it is an old rivalry).
Then the men begin to light the fire for the inevitable asado (curiously the only thing that an Argentinean does not leave for the last minute is the purchase of meat). As for us women, we start to tidy up the house and do the laundry. I must confess that today, for example, we divide the chores and clean the floors together; in this new generation there is no gender for the activities. Fortunately!

At noon
While the roast is cooking we continue with other things. For example today we mowed the lawn in front of our house and washed the car.

It may sound strange to you that we do this with our own hands, there are professionals who are dedicated to it and many people hire them. However, most of the people I know enjoy these activities as a family; and in fact it is a good way to save money.
Lunch time. Yes! 😅We eat lunch super late, on average between 13hs and 15hs. Although some people go quite late, a friend's parents have lunch at 5pm on Sundays.
If there is a soccer game, it is the first option to watch at lunch, a car race or an entertainment program the second. If, on the other hand, you get together with your family, the topics that are discussed at the table are the ones that generate more discord: politics, religion and beliefs.

If we talk about dessert, the typical Argentinean desserts are: flan with dulce de leche, cheese with sweet potato, or ice cream. Today there was none of those! We are on a bit of a diet since next Saturday we have to attend a wedding.
In the afternoon
50% of Argentines go long, and the other 50% take a siesta. It is a statistic by eye 😂. The truth is that it is more a matter of generations, people over 50 usually respect the siesta. We who are in the middle, we lie down but we don't sleep. This is not the case with my dogs who take any occasion to sleep!

At night
On Sundays we have the habit of not having dinner at night, or if we do it is something very light. For example mates with pizza from the day before, or I also remember that in my childhood, at home we had coffee with milk and toast or a sandwich. It is a matter of avoiding cooking at least once a week, a kind of rest.

Thus concludes our Sunday, going to bed early but not before watching an episode of the series we follow on Netflix. I take this opportunity to wish you an excellent end of Sunday and a better week!
Translated in Deelp
Collages made in Canva
The photos are my property
And your boyfriend was watching the football.
The meat for lunch looked great, and of course, dogs will always sleep whenever they want to!
Yes, Argentines watch more soccer than anyone else in the world, I think.
The asado went well! Thanks for stopping by my post.😀
hehe I think we watch as much football in the UK as you do in Argentina!
Yes that asado looks delicious! Have a good one!