
86 weeks, and you're welcome. 😉

I Wholeheartedly concur with double D. It's massively appreciated and has, I am sure been the initiative that has made the most difference to many a new, un-noticed Hiver who felt that the lack of rewards and no engagement would see them flit away soon.

Sometimes the engagement and sense of connection is far, far superior to rewards.

I've said it a million times before, as have many others but I will state it one more time...


I am sure there have been times when the management and time demands of of the WE have seemed a little too tying but you have continued anyway, for that we salute you Sir! 😉😎🤠


(1/1) gave you LUV. H-E tools | connect | <><@stevenwood

Thanks for your kind words and yes indeed, at times it's taken far more time than I've had to spare but I I've pushed on and done what I can. Tha ks for your sponsorship this week, I appreciate it.

Wells said Sir... Well said!