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RE: 🔸Option one🔸 Describe your ideal weekend:

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

Cracker Barrel restaurant. Where two can still eat a great homestyle meal...


I need to go back and continue reading but after that load of horse shit, I'll have a tough time believing anything you say. @plantstoplanks, I heard a new joke: Cracker Barrel - great - meal.

You really are Krazzy. Alright, as easily as I could go on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on about wtf you south people call "great meals" I'll never finish the read. Be right back.

I'm back. I call it Hormone Depot. Ok, I'm leaving again.

Back. I know how nice a warm pissed in wetsuit feels like. Be right back.

Back. I'm done now, that was fun. I just turned 46, how much longer I got til I become good at the piss and roll?

Cracker Barrel. Hahaha!! Good one Dude.


Chicken and Dumplings. Honey on the soft baked biscuits. And steak fries or mashed taters on the side...

No Fucking Humus here... "Dude"

Be right back...


 3 years ago (edited) 

I know it, no Coke Zero either and all the refills I can stand.

My phone doesn't capitalize that until I type zero. It won't capitalize coke by itself, weird.

I'm concerned about piss n roll. You didn't tell me how much time I got left.

I have destroyed my bladder. What do you do when You have to pee..?

You go fuckin' pee...
I drive another 6 hours...


You got about.. 35,040 hours or so left.

 3 years ago  

Nice dude, thanks!

 3 years ago  

Refills are normal here. Nowhere doesn't offer free refills on whatever. Since traveliving I'm now aware we're the only country that does that.

Never been to Cañada, rejected! Unlikited refills on your coffee, soda, anything there?

Gypsy Queen>Cracker Barrel